Config Posted November 29, 2013 Report Share Posted November 29, 2013 Dear User, Good news here! Wise Disk Cleaner 8.0 is right around the corner. In this version, you can customize the options in it as an advanced user and get new experience. Try it now before its official release: Below is the guide to make the custom configuration file. You are invited to tell us what you think about it and please have us informed whether anything needs to be modified. Thanks in advance! ************************ Changes in WDC 9. If you are using WDC9, and you set up Type=Custom, you will see it in here. Hope you like it! Best Regards, Team _______________________________ MichaelWeini, seanip18, nohnigefearda81 and 18 others 21 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
wisecleaner_admin Posted December 2, 2013 Report Share Posted December 2, 2013 (edited) Wise Disk Cleaner 8.0 & 9.0 Custom Configuration Guide .Foreword: The configuration file "UserCustom.ini" must be saved in the installation directory, then Wise Disk Cleaner can automatically adopts the configuration file. I. About the configuration file: [Root7] Name= Type= TranName= DefaultName= Image= [Name0] TranName= DefaultName= Exists= Recommended= Item0=|| II. Details of ParameterThe section below from 1 to 6 are mandatory. 1, [Root7] The user must start from the 7th node and go on with 8, 9, etc. The first 6 are already in use. 2, Name= Name of the node. This is used to define following cleaning rules. It will not be displayed on WDC interface. 3, Type= Type of the node Type can be defined as Trash or Trace.Trash: Trash accumulates the size of the files cleaned. If you define as Trash, this cleaning rules will be displayed in "Useless Files In Computer".Trace: Trace counts the quantity of items cleaned. If you define as Trace, this cleaning rules will be displayed in "Traces In Computer". 4, TranName= Translator name of the node 5, DefaultName= Default name of the node A show name of the node. It will be displayed on WDC interface. 6, Image=-1 The icon of this cleaning rule.0 1 2 3 4 5 6 The section below from 7 to 11 are to customize the cleaning rules.Notice: the content in "()" is optional, while the content in "" is required and mandatory. 7, [Name0] The name of one cleaning rule, serial number starts from 0 and has no upper limit. 8, (TranName= ) Translator name of the cleaning rule 9, Default name of the cleaning rule A show name of this cleaning rule. It will be displayed on WDC interface. 10, (Exists=) Location of the file, or the value of the registry key It is used to determine whether the program needs cleaning is installed or not. If this item exists, then it will first determine whether the program needs cleaning is installed. If it’s not installed, then the rules will not be listed. If no need to determine this, this item is not needed to exist. Please notice that by “not exist” it means the whole item including the content left of the “=”. E.g.%programfiles%\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe //To determine of filesHKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Opera Software(reg) //To determine the value of the registry key. The mark (reg) needs to be placed at the end if the determine of registry key is used. 11, 1 : Checked by default 0 : Not checked by default The section below is to customize the items needed cleaning. 12, Item0=||It is to customize the items needed cleaning.Please notice that the serial number must also start from 0 and marked as item0, item1… 1) Types File = files RegKey = registry key RegValue = registry value SQL = sqlite database Lnk = shortcut 2) Scanning List This section varies in accordance with the Types section. A. File Write in the paths needed scanning. e.g. %Appdata%\Microsoft\Windows\Cookies Use semicolons ( to separate different paths, within which the environment variables supported can be included. B. RegKey Write in the registry path needed scanning. Semicolons are used to separate the paths. e.g. HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\TabbedBrowsing\NewTabPage C. RegValue Write in the registry path needed scanning. Semicolons are used to separate the paths. D. SQL Write in the complete path of the database file. e.g. %LOCALAPPDATA%\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Cookies //Cookies here is a file without suffixes, not a directory. E. Lnk Write in the paths needed scanning. 3) Filters and Options This section also varies in accordance with the Types section. A. File Filter= Filter criteria, Wildcard is supported here. (e.g. *.dat). Semicolon is used to separate multiple criteria here. (e.g. Filter=*.txt;*.dat) This criterion is mandatory. FindInSubFolder=1 or 0 // 1: to search in subdirectory; 0: not to search in subdirectory. RemoveSubFolder=1 or 0 //1: to delete subdirectory; 0: not to delete subdirectory. Exclude=Exclusion criteria, to define the exclusion type. (e.g. *.dat) The exclusion file name can also be written in directly. Semicolon is used to separate multiple criteria here. Pathmatch= regular expression, use regular expressions to describe similar path. If is valid, then it will combine (Pathmatch) value to as full scanning path. E.g. Item0=File|%Internet_Cache%|(Filter=*.*)(FindInSubFolder=1)(RemoveSubFolder=1)(Exclude=index.dat;desktop.ini;suggestedsites.dat) Item6=File|%LocalAppData%\Yandex\YandexBrowser\UserData|(Filter=*.*)(FindInSubFolder=1)(RemoveSubFolder=1)(Exclude=*.db)(PathMatch=User Data\\Profile \d\\databases) B. RegKey RegExpr= regular expression, Use regular expressions to filter qualified keys. FindInSubKey= 1 or 0 //1: search sub key; 0: not to search sub key. ShowValues= 1 or 0 // 1: display the value under the key specified; 0: not to display the value under the key specified. RemoveSelf=1 or 0 //1: delete itself; 0: not to delete itself. E.g. Item0=RegKey|HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\RunMRU|(FindInSubKey=1) C. RegValue RegExpr= regular expression, Use regular expressions to filter qualified keys. FindInSubKey=1 or 0 //1: search sub key; 0: not to search sub key. E.g. Item0=RegValue|HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\Local Settings\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\TrayNotify|(ValueList=IconStreams;PastIconsStream) D. SQL TableName= the table needed query (This item is must be required.) Condition= SQL sentence (It is optional.) E.g. Item0=SQL|%LOCAL_APPDATA%\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Cookies|(TableName=cookies) E. Lnk The same like File above. III. A complete example following the custom rules:[OtherApps4]TranName=AcrobatReaderDefaultName=Acrobat ReaderExists=HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader(reg)Recommended=1Item0=RegKey|HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\1.0\AVGeneral\cRecentFiles|(FindInSubKey=1)Item1=RegKey|HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\2.0\AVGeneral\cRecentFiles|(FindInSubKey=1)Item2=RegKey|HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\3.0\AVGeneral\cRecentFiles|(FindInSubKey=1)Item3=RegKey|HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\4.0\AVGeneral\cRecentFiles|(FindInSubKey=1)Item4=RegKey|HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\5.0\AVGeneral\cRecentFiles|(FindInSubKey=1)Item5=RegKey|HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\6.0\AVGeneral\cRecentFiles|(FindInSubKey=1)Item6=RegKey|HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\7.0\AVGeneral\cRecentFiles|(FindInSubKey=1)Item7=RegKey|HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\8.0\AVGeneral\cRecentFiles|(FindInSubKey=1)Item8=RegKey|HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\9.0\AVGeneral\cRecentFiles|(FindInSubKey=1)Item9=RegKey|HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\10.0\AVGeneral\cRecentFiles|(FindInSubKey=1)Item10=RegKey|HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\11.0\AVGeneral\cRecentFiles|(FindInSubKey=1)Item11=RegKey|HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Adobe\Adobe Acrobat\11.0\CompoundDocs\cStoredBinder|(FindInSubKey=1)Item12=File|%local_appdata%\Adobe\Acrobat\7.0\Cache\Search70;%local_appdata%\Adobe\Acrobat\8.0\Cache\Search80;%Local_AppData%\Adobe\Acrobat\9.0\Cache\Search;%LOCAL_APPDATA_LOW%\Adobe\Acrobat\9.0\Search;%Local_AppData%\Adobe\Acrobat\10.0\Cache\Search;%LOCAL_APPDATA_LOW%\Adobe\Acrobat\10.0\Search;%Local_AppData%\Adobe\Acrobat\11.0\Cache\Search;%LOCAL_APPDATA_LOW%\Adobe\Acrobat\11.0\Search|(Filter=*.*)(FindInSubFolder=0)(RemoveSubFolder=0)Item13=File|%ProgramFiles%\Adobe\Acrobat 7.0\Reader;%ProgramFiles%\Adobe\Acrobat 7.0\Reader\Updater;%ProgramFiles%\Adobe\Acrobat 7.0\Reader\plug_ins;%PROGRAM_FILESX86\Adobe\Acrobat 7.0\Reader;%PROGRAM_FILESX86\Adobe\Acrobat 7.0\Reader\Updater;%PROGRAM_FILESX86\Adobe\Acrobat 7.0\Reader\plug_ins|(Filter=*.bak)(FindInSubFolder=0)(RemoveSubFolder=0) IV. Environment Variables supported:1. All the regular system environment variables.e.g. %appdate%, %windir%, %systemroot%, %programfiles%, %userprofile% etc.. 2. Extensional environment variables, which are customized by Wise Disk Cleaner.%local_appdata% : %userprofile%\Appdata\Local%startmenu%: %programdata%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu%common_startmenu%: %appdata%\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\%common_appdata%: %programdata%%COMMON_DESKTOPDIRECTORY%: C:\Users\Public\Desktop%DESKTOPDIRECTORY%: C:\Users\\Desktop%INTERNET_CACHE%: Directory to save IEcaches.% DESKTOP%: C:\Users\\Desktop%PROGRAMS%: %appdata%\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\programs\%PERSONAL%: C:\Users\\Documents%FAVORITES%: Where IE Favourites are saved.%STARTUP%: %appdata%\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup%RECENT%: %appdata%\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent%SENDTO%: %appdata%\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\SendTo%SYSTEMX86%: %Windir%\SysWOW64 (only valid for 64 bit OS)%PROGRAM_FILESX86%: C:\Program Files (x86) (only valid for 64 bit OS)%PROGRAM_FILES_COMMON%: %programfiles%\Common Files%PROGRAM_FILES_COMMONX86%: %PROGRAM_FILESX86%\Common Files (only valid for 64 bit OS)%COMMON_DOCUMENTS%: C:\Users\Public\Documents Edited November 18, 2016 by wisecleaner_admin Add description: Pathmatch WKK 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
maweebaba Posted December 22, 2013 Report Share Posted December 22, 2013 I am not a complete dummy but I have to admit I have not a clue how to carry out the above procedure and would appreciate some help, Preferably step by step instructions! And afterwards, hopefully, I will have learned something new, Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
xilolee Posted December 22, 2013 Report Share Posted December 22, 2013 I installed WDC and I've tried to make usercustom.ini (I'm using windows 8.1).These was the steps I've done:1) created UserCustom.ini2) opened and filled with: [Root7] Name=xilolee Type=trash TranName=xilolee DefaultName=xilolee Image=6 After that, I used the example in the second message: [OtherApps4] TranName=AcrobatReader DefaultName=Acrobat Reader Exists=HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader(reg) Recommended=1 Item0=RegKey|HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\1.0\AVGeneral\cRecentFiles|(FindInSubKey=1) Item1=RegKey|HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\2.0\AVGeneral\cRecentFiles|(FindInSubKey=1) Item2=RegKey|HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\3.0\AVGeneral\cRecentFiles|(FindInSubKey=1) Item3=RegKey|HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\4.0\AVGeneral\cRecentFiles|(FindInSubKey=1) Item4=RegKey|HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\5.0\AVGeneral\cRecentFiles|(FindInSubKey=1) Item5=RegKey|HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\6.0\AVGeneral\cRecentFiles|(FindInSubKey=1) Item6=RegKey|HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\7.0\AVGeneral\cRecentFiles|(FindInSubKey=1) Item7=RegKey|HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\8.0\AVGeneral\cRecentFiles|(FindInSubKey=1) Item8=RegKey|HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\9.0\AVGeneral\cRecentFiles|(FindInSubKey=1) Item9=RegKey|HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\10.0\AVGeneral\cRecentFiles|(FindInSubKey=1) Item10=RegKey|HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\11.0\AVGeneral\cRecentFiles|(FindInSubKey=1) Item11=RegKey|HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Adobe\Adobe Acrobat\11.0\CompoundDocs\cStoredBinder|(FindInSubKey=1) Item12=File|%local_appdata%\Adobe\Acrobat\7.0\Cache\Search70;%local_appdata%\Adobe\Acrobat\8.0\Cache\Search80;%Local_AppData%\Adobe\Acrobat\9.0\Cache\Search;%LOCAL_APPDATA_LOW%\Adobe\Acrobat\9.0\Search;%Local_AppData%\Adobe\Acrobat\10.0\Cache\Search;%LOCAL_APPDATA_LOW%\Adobe\Acrobat\10.0\Search;%Local_AppData%\Adobe\Acrobat\11.0\Cache\Search;%LOCAL_APPDATA_LOW%\Adobe\Acrobat\11.0\Search|(Filter=*.*)(FindInSubFolder=0)(RemoveSubFolder=0) Item13=File|%ProgramFiles%\Adobe\Acrobat 7.0\Reader;%ProgramFiles%\Adobe\Acrobat 7.0\Reader\Updater;%ProgramFiles%\Adobe\Acrobat 7.0\Reader\plug_ins;%PROGRAM_FILESX86\Adobe\Acrobat 7.0\Reader;%PROGRAM_FILESX86\Adobe\Acrobat 7.0\Reader\Updater;%PROGRAM_FILESX86\Adobe\Acrobat 7.0\Reader\plug_ins|(Filter=*.bak)(FindInSubFolder=0)(RemoveSubFolder=0) And after that, I added this: [OtherApps300] TranName=thumbs DefaultName=thumbs Recommended=1 Item0=File|c:\|(Filter=thumbs.db)(FindInSubFolder=1) (I have tried both, only the first, only the second) 3) saved the file4) opened WDC 8.0 and I saw my custom setting was greyed (both in english and italian languages):Other issues:- when I use italian language, checks for update remains check for updates, i.e. it is not translated to Controlla aggiornamenti; facebook, twitter and mail balloon tips are not translated too (I don't use them, but...): - after I created a portable version (that I prefer) and opened, I can't close WDC 8.0 from the taskbar but I have to close it from the X in the upper-right corner... I.e., if I do a right-click on WDC on the taskbar, it will not show the menu that usually appears (with every program); the following picture shows the correct behaviour of the installed version of WDC 8.0: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
wisecleaner_admin Posted December 23, 2013 Report Share Posted December 23, 2013 Hi xilolee, 1, About the custom settings was gray. Make sure you installed this software Acrobat Reader (Not Adobe Reader) 2, About the translations. Please check language files. Open Italian.ini , Find out [Translation] , then add following FrmWDC.btnupdate.caption=Checks for update FrmWDC.btnfacebook.hint=Follow us on facebook FrmWDC.btntwitter.hint=Follow us on Twitter FrmWDC.btnemail.hint=Share it to your friends Find out [Area] , then add following UserDefine=User custom cleanup rules You can translate text after symbol ' = ' to Italian, then save file. 3, Sorry, I don't find out this problem. Please try again. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
my2cents Posted December 24, 2013 Report Share Posted December 24, 2013 Hello all, This customization technique via an ini file is not suited for most users. Moreover, it could lead to a disater for those untrained individuals who attempt to deploy it. This is definitely a step in the wrong direction IMHO. Moreover, this ini file will require continual updating based on the installed program changes. For example, what happens if a specific program provides a major update and moves things around? If so, how is one supposed to know how to tailor this new ini file to clean the new locations properly? Now, since there are already programs that attempt such remedial actions, and since they only require a checkbox to be ticked, I would say they are well ahead of this ini initiative; however, even those programs fail frequently because it is difficult to keep up with all the popular program rewrites and updates. I have used CCxxxxxxx in the past and it has continually broken unique programs due to specific programs being updated and the cleaner program lagging behind (or not knowing about) the updated program locations. Now, if programmers can't keep up with the changes, do you think the average user will succeed? Again, this is not a good idea IMHO. my2cents Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
xilolee Posted December 25, 2013 Report Share Posted December 25, 2013 Hi xilolee, 1, About the custom settings was gray. Make sure you installed this software Acrobat Reader (Not Adobe Reader) 2, About the translations. Please check language files. Open Italian.ini , Find out [Translation] , then add following FrmWDC.btnupdate.caption=Checks for update FrmWDC.btnfacebook.hint=Follow us on facebook FrmWDC.btntwitter.hint=Follow us on Twitter FrmWDC.btnemail.hint=Share it to your friends Find out [Area] , then add following UserDefine=User custom cleanup rules You can translate text after symbol ' = ' to Italian, then save file. 3, Sorry, I don't find out this problem. Please try again. 2.jpg 1) It was just a try... Anyway it doesn't work with these simplier settings: [OtherApps300] TranName=thumbs DefaultName=thumbs Recommended=1 Item0=File|c:\|(Filter=thumbs.db)(FindInSubFolder=1) Just to understand how it works... 2) I have translated them in this way (and now it shows the italian strings): FrmWDC.btnupdate.caption=Controlla aggiornamenti FrmWDC.btnfacebook.hint=Seguici su facebook FrmWDC.btntwitter.hint=Seguici su Twitter FrmWDC.btnemail.hint=Comunicalo ai tuoi amici 3) Now it works Maybe doesn't it work just after the creation? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
my2cents Posted December 25, 2013 Report Share Posted December 25, 2013 Hello xilolee, As demonstrated by your own skilled testing, this beta is not for the untrained and/or faint of heart. Now, I normally don't make such profound statements but I think this beta really needs to remain a beta for quite a while because I think its introduction into the GA release would turn an already stable product into an unsafe nightmare for most of us. I have always touted the Wise Product Line as being the best in the areas of safety and reliability; however, if this goes GA, I will no longer be able to make such statements going forward. For the life of me, I don't understand why the Wise Development Team would ever introduce such a difficult option that is extremely dangerous (in untrained hands). Moreover, I just talked to Santa and he doesn't like the idea either! Happy holidays to all, my2cents Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
xilolee Posted December 25, 2013 Report Share Posted December 25, 2013 Hi my2cents! Normal users can continue to use the program like always: it is not mandatory for anyone customize it. Happy holidays! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
my2cents Posted December 25, 2013 Report Share Posted December 25, 2013 Hi xilolee, The option to use it or not was quite clear from the beginning; however, my fear is that many incapable users will attempt to use it and fail miserably. You know the old saying "it was curiosity that killed the cat?" Well, that saying certainly applies here. Season's greetings, my2cents Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BearPup Posted January 16, 2014 Report Share Posted January 16, 2014 And in the worse case scenario, the uninformed / untrained (?unwashed?) can always uninstall the program and then reinstall a correctly working copy. So what's not to like about having options? This isn't life and death after all. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
wisecleaner_admin Posted January 17, 2014 Report Share Posted January 17, 2014 Hi guys, Wise Disk Cleaner 8.0 Custom Configuration is just for Advanced users. We don't recommended basic users to try this. If you really want to try this function, please make a system restore point, or backup system, then try this function. UCanFixIt 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
xilolee Posted February 1, 2014 Report Share Posted February 1, 2014 After a lot of tries, I've understood how it works:1) Open notepad.exe and save the file as UserCustom.ini (uppercase or lowercase doesn't matter).The file could be saved with ANSI or unicode encodings (it seems it doesn't matter, but I'm using the simple latin alphabet).2) Create the rule that you desire... As an example (very simple), let's say I want to delete the zip files inside the wise care 365 folder: [Root7] Name=wc365 Type=Trash DefaultName=Wise Care ThreeHundredSixtyFive Image=5 [wc3650] DefaultName=Delete zip files Recommended=1 Item0=File|%USERPROFILE%\Desktop\Applicazioni\Programmi portable di WISE CLEANER\Wise Care 365|(Filter=*.zip) The codes/lines under [Root7] will create a new section (or node) named wc365, it will be under the trash useless files in computer, the name displayed will be Wise Care ThreeHundredSixtyFive and it will use the internet icon (the globe).The codes/lines under [wc3650], that is derived from the Name under the new root, will create the cleaning rules.In this case, the first rule is [wc3650]... There aren't other rules, but the second would be [wc3651], the third [wc3652], and so forth.The name of the cleaning rule will be Delete zip files.The recommended line will have effect when you click the recommended link in the common cleaner at bottom-left corner.Item0 will search *.zip, the third parameter, File(s), the first parameter, inside the folder %USERPROFILE%\Desktop\Applicazioni\Programmi portable di WISE CLEANER\Wise Care 365, the second parameter.3) Finally, save the file (again) and close it.4) (it's quite improbable, but...) Now let's say I want it in my own Language (yes, I could have done it in the first place), because I want to have that rule in both languages; I'll have to add the TranName(s) to the ini file, and will have to save it: [Root7] Name=wc365 Type=Trash TranName=wc365 DefaultName=Wise Care ThreeHundredSixtyFive Image=5 [wc3650] TranName=DZF DefaultName=Delete zip files Recommended=1 Item0=File|%USERPROFILE%\Desktop\Applicazioni\Programmi portable di WISE CLEANER\Wise Care 365|(Filter=*.zip) 5) Now I must open the english.ini and italian.ini files, inside the languages folder of WDC, adding two lines under the [Area] section, but anyway before the [Type] section: (extracted from) ITALIAN.INI FragmentedRate=Frammentazione [Area] wc365=Cura Saggia TrecentoSessantaCinque DZF=Cancellazione file zip IEHistory=Cronologia attiva di Microsoft Internet Explorer (extracted from) ENGLISH.INI FragmentedRate=Fragmentation [Area] wc365=Wise Care ThreeHundredSixtyFive DZF=Delete zip files UserDefine=User custom cleanup rules Because if I modify only the italian file, when I'll switch to english the rules will remain with the italian name.Hope this helps! (advanced, and not so advanced, users) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
UCanFixIt Posted February 2, 2014 Report Share Posted February 2, 2014 And in the worse case scenario, the uninformed / untrained (?unwashed?) can always uninstall the program and then reinstall a correctly working copy. So what's not to like about having options? This isn't life and death after all. Your description of a worse-case-scenario is not accurate; in that, a worst-case-scenario would actually be where one configures the options to clean an area that should not be cleaned and destroys the operating system; thereby, necessitating a complete reinstall of the OS and an uninstall and reinstall of this program will not fix the damage done. Hi guys, Wise Disk Cleaner 8.0 Custom Configuration is just for Advanced users. We don't recommended basic users to try this. If you really want to try this function, please make a system restore point, or backup system, then try this function. Agreed! Only for very advanced users; period! In fact, this is one of the most complexed options I've ever encountered! After a lot of tries, I've understood how it works: 1) Open notepad.exe and save the file as UserCustom.ini (uppercase or lowercase doesn't matter). The file could be saved with ANSI or unicode encodings (it seems it doesn't matter, but I'm using the simple latin alphabet). 2) Create the rule that you desire... As an example (very simple), let's say I want to delete the zip files inside the wise care 365 folder: [Root7] Name=wc365 Type=Trash DefaultName=Wise Care ThreeHundredSixtyFive Image=5 [wc3650] DefaultName=Delete zip files Recommended=1 Item0=File|%USERPROFILE%\Desktop\Applicazioni\Programmi portable di WISE CLEANER\Wise Care 365|(Filter=*.zip) The codes/lines under [Root7] will create a new section (or node) named wc365, it will be under the trash useless files in computer, the name displayed will be Wise Care ThreeHundredSixtyFive and it will use the internet icon (the globe). The codes/lines under [wc3650], that is derived from the Name under the new root, will create the cleaning rules. In this case, the first rule is [wc3650]... There aren't other rules, but the second would be [wc3651], the third [wc3652], and so forth. The name of the cleaning rule will be Delete zip files. The recommended line will have effect when you click the recommended link in the common cleaner at bottom-left corner. Item0 will search *.zip, the third parameter, File(s), the first parameter, inside the folder %USERPROFILE%\Desktop\Applicazioni\Programmi portable di WISE CLEANER\Wise Care 365, the second parameter. 3) Finally, save the file (again) and close it. Immagine.jpg 4) (it's quite improbable, but...) Now let's say I want it in my own Language (yes, I could have done it in the first place), because I want to have that rule in both languages; I'll have to add the TranName(s) to the ini file, and will have to save it: [Root7] Name=wc365 Type=Trash TranName=wc365 DefaultName=Wise Care ThreeHundredSixtyFive Image=5 [wc3650] TranName=DZF DefaultName=Delete zip files Recommended=1 Item0=File|%USERPROFILE%\Desktop\Applicazioni\Programmi portable di WISE CLEANER\Wise Care 365|(Filter=*.zip) 5) Now I must open the english.ini and italian.ini files, inside the languages folder of WDC, adding two lines under the [Area] section, but anyway before the [Type] section: (extracted from) ITALIAN.INI FragmentedRate=Frammentazione [Area] wc365=Cura Saggia TrecentoSessantaCinque DZF=Cancellazione file zip IEHistory=Cronologia attiva di Microsoft Internet Explorer (extracted from) ENGLISH.INI FragmentedRate=Fragmentation [Area] wc365=Wise Care ThreeHundredSixtyFive DZF=Delete zip files UserDefine=User custom cleanup rules Because if I modify only the italian file, when I'll switch to english the rules will remain with the italian name. Immagine1.jpg Hope this helps! (advanced, and not so advanced, users) Hi Xixolee! Glad you finally figured it out and thanks for sharing your success. Again, all your efforts seem to indicate this optional feature should not be used by anyone other than an advanced user IMHO. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
xilolee Posted February 3, 2014 Report Share Posted February 3, 2014 Well, I don't think to be a (very) advanced user... Without using the TranName and the Language files, the task is (quite) easy (for an intermediate user at least, not for a beginner). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
UCanFixIt Posted February 4, 2014 Report Share Posted February 4, 2014 Hi again xilolee, I personally consider you to be an advanced user and the fact that it took you a few tries to figure it out clearly indicates this should not be attempted by all. Moreover, you said: the task is (quite) easy My response to the above is: Yes, after you put forth some time and effort to figure it out. IMHO, I just feel it is important to emphasize that one could get into trouble if they don't know what they are doing with this option and I'll leave it at that. Regards, UCanFixit Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
xilolee Posted November 26, 2014 Report Share Posted November 26, 2014 I found that the usercustom.ini works also in wise care 365!!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
wisecleaner_admin Posted November 28, 2014 Report Share Posted November 28, 2014 @xilolee You are the first! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
xilolee Posted June 19, 2016 Report Share Posted June 19, 2016 Hi! I found two problems with the custom configuration. The wildcard * isn't accepted inside a path.Example with firefox; I have got: Firefox\Profiles\fehw7nzc.default Firefox\Profiles\qngu2ovg.default I can't use: Firefox\Profiles\*.default Firefox\Profiles\????????.default The (Exclude=____) option is actually excluding everything in a section.Example with chrome: Item0=File|%LocalAppData%\Google\Chrome|(Filter=log.*;*.log)(FindInSubFolder=1) Item1=File|%LocalAppData%\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\GCM Store|(Filter=*.*)(FindInSubFolder=1)(Exclude=*.log;log.*)The first item should find all log or log.* or *.log files in %LocalAppData%\Google\Chrome folder, the second item should exclude the unique LOG file present in %LocalAppData%\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\GCM Store (because I don't like to see it twice). Is this correct? Instead, it happens that all of the LOG files are excluded (*.log files are shown); these: %LocalAppData%\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\data_reduction_proxy_leveldb\LOG %LocalAppData%\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Local Extension Settings\ghbmnnjooekpmoecnnnilnnbdlolhkhi\LOG %LocalAppData%\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Platform Notifications\LOG %LocalAppData%\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\GCM Store\LOG %LocalAppData%\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\GCM Store\LOG When I use the exclude option, there are five results missing (instead of one, the doublet).When I don't use the exclude option, those files appear, but the doublet also appears. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
wisecleaner_admin Posted September 27, 2016 Report Share Posted September 27, 2016 Hey xiolee,Sorry, I forgot this.Yes, the wild card * isn't accepted inside a path, only in Filter and ExcludeThe exclude option issue, we will check it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
xilolee Posted November 3, 2016 Report Share Posted November 3, 2016 I saw another item in the Vivaldi example by 云淡风轻 (Clear Sky?): PathMatch. Could it be added to the guide (with basic explanation and examples)? sapedKab, JeffreyChups, Lesterjet and 6 others 9 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
wisecleaner_admin Posted November 18, 2016 Report Share Posted November 18, 2016 Hey xilolee, I already add the explanation for Pathmatch, in Filters and Option section. please check it. Shawnroums, Stephenhob and AnthonyJaiva 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
xilolee Posted November 18, 2016 Report Share Posted November 18, 2016 I.e., was it already explained? If yes, sorry... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
wisecleaner_admin Posted November 24, 2016 Report Share Posted November 24, 2016 Maybe you miss it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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