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WiseHotKey feature requests, bug reports, updated translations

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Dear users,


We are very excited to announce the release of Wise HotKey beta! Quick Launch and Switch Tool for Windows!


Wise Hotkey is a simple and easy- to-use program that can help you improve the efficiency of using computer. It can implement that quick start or quick switch any application, folder or website by using keyboard shortcuts.


Click here for direct download Wise HotKey beta




However, there is still space for improvement for this beta version, please leave a comment or write down the bugs you found below. We would really appreciate that. Thank you!


WiseCleaner Team

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HotKey will be very useful when a bug I have is corrected. Every new Key I enter vanishes after the computer is closed and restored. This affects both the Alt and the Ctrl Keys. I have tried many times, the way it is intended to be used is surprisingly easy but it is a wasted effort at present. 

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HotKey will be very useful when a bug I have is corrected. Every new Key I enter vanishes after the computer is closed and restored. This affects both the Alt and the Ctrl Keys. I have tried many times, the way it is intended to be used is surprisingly easy but it is a wasted effort at present. 


Did you use the latest version 1.01.1?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Dear user, 

Sorry about that. Wise HotKey can only create HotKey which consists of Alt/Ctrl + a number/F key, for example, Alt+3, Alt+F8, Ctrl+5, Ctrl+F3, etc. 

As for this "when I want to enter the @ sign using the alt+64 keyboard shortcut, the program starts under the shortcut Alt+6 and Alt+4", Did you create a shortcut for Wise HotKey like the following screenshot in this program? If so, you can delete it 


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