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Jimmyerund reacted to wisecleaner_admin in WiseDriverCare feature requests, bug reports, updated translations
New released beta version - Wise Driver Care
We are very excited to announce the release of Wise Driver Care beta! Download and update outdated Windows devices drivers!
Wise Driver Care can automatically scan, download and update drivers. Easily fix missing, outdated or faulty driver errors. Keep your computer in top condition!
1, Supports more than 600,000 devices and drivers
Such as AMD APU/Graphics/Chipset/AHCI/USB 3.0/RAID Drivers, NVIDIA drivers, Realtek ethernet controller/wireless lan/network/HD Audio Drivers, Intel Audio/HD Graphics/WLAN/LAN/chipset/rapid storage technology/USB 3.0 Drivers, ASUS Drivers, Dell Drivers, HP Drivers, Intel PC Drivers & Microsoft Windows Drivers
2, Reduce system freezing and crashing.
3, Wise Driver Care only recommend WHQL drivers.
4, One-stop Windows driver management.
5, Easily fix sound & network issues
Click here for direct download Wise Driver Care beta.
However, there is still space for improvement for this beta version, please leave a comment or write down the bugs you found below. We would really appreciate that.
Thank you!
Release Notes:
v1.0.621 (June 22, 2017)
1, Optimized network connection
2, Minor GUI improvements
3, Added 4 language files
4, Minor bug fixes
View antivirus scan report
v1.0.713 (July 14, 2017)
1, Fixed minor bugs
2, Added some new language files
3, Minor GUI improvements
view antivirus scan report
v2.1.720 (July 20, 2017)
The official version is released.
Jimmyerund reacted to wisecleaner_admin in Wise Registry Cleaner 8 beta is released
Dear users,
Good news here!
Wise Registry Cleaner 8.0 is released the Beta version. Try it now before its official release.
Click Here to try WRC 8.0
You are invited to tell us what you think about it and please have us informed whether anything needs to be modified.
Thanks in advance!
Hope you like it!
Best Regards,
WiseCleaner.com Team
Jimmyerund reacted to Serenator in New Skin
I think that my proposal will fall all to the taste
I have on the thought of the Wise Care 365 skin. We have Haloween and Xmas motives. We do not have the Easter motive
I hope that such skin will appear soon so that they to can use him as they will Holy Easter come
Jimmyerund reacted to wisecleaner_admin in Black Friday/Cyber Monday - up to 83% off!
2016 the biggest promotion -- Black Friday/Cyber Monday is starting now!
This offer will expire in 30th Nov., 2016.
Don't miss it!
Jimmyerund reacted to pstein in What is "unsafe" in "Deep Scan" ?
There are two types of scans: "Fast Scan" and "Deep Scan".
Below the "Fast Scan" it is written "Only scan safe entries".
From my point of view it means that "Deep Scan" is "unsafe".
What is unsafe here?
Is a longer scan time the only disadvantage?
Jimmyerund reacted to Linkin in How to download YouTube Video For Free?
YouTube only allows users to watch and view videos on their website. Many users want to download their favorite videos to their computer so they can watch them without being connected to the Internet or so they can watch them on other devices. Below are the steps required for downloading and watching YouTube videos on your computer for free.
Go to http://www.wisevideosuite.com to download Wise Video Downloader.
Open any YouTube video page and copy the URL of the video you want to download.
Once this address has been copied, paste that URL into the URL bar and click the Download button.
Of course if you want to play the videos downloaded in multiple devices like your PC, your pad or smart phone. You are gonna need to convert them into different formats that is playable on these devices. Then the Convert feature comes in handy. It is a link to Wise Video Converter, which you can also download from http://www.wisevideosuite.com. The best thing about this converter is you don’t have to choose which format you need to convert into. Just drag and drop the video files to the corresponding big icons of devices, and then click Convert.
Notice: Not all the videos can be downloaded by Wise Video Downloader. Statistics show that more than 80% of the video files can be downloaded by this software. Please keep this software updated. By default, Wise Video Downloader will download the 1280*720 pixel video.
Jimmyerund reacted to Chim in Discrepancy Between WDC and Wise Care 365 Junk Files
I mentioned this issue over on my Wise Care 365 vs. Wise Registry Cleaner thread. I thought I'd put it here in its own thread since on the surface, it looks like it MIGHT be a WDC issue instead of a Wise Care 365 issue ... although I could be wrong. Either way, now I have visual proof and more detail.
In the 2nd image attached below, you'll notice how Wise Care 365 4.5.6 managed to detect 695 Junk Files Created by Applications for a total of 92.3 MegaBytes. While it found various items first in that category ... starting with the yellow highlighted items, it was predominantly a mountain of Maxthon Cloud browser cache. Of course, I only included a micro sample of that Maxthon cache.
In the 1st image attached below, you'll notice how Wise Disk Cleaner 9.41 detected NO Junk Files. That is quite a huge discrepancy. I could be wrong in my thinking, but I would think that WDC and the Common Cleaner function in Wise Care 365 would / should work pretty much the same and yield same results or at least pretty close to the same.
True, as was mentioned in the Wise Care 365 vs. Wise Registry Cleaner thread, Wise does NOT at this time support Maxthon. However, logically, the results of this experiment seem to indicate that either WDC or the Common Cleaner function in Wise Care 365 is wrong ... or both --- and needs to be fixed to match the other app. In other words, either Wise Care 365 should NOT have detected all those 695 items as Junk Files Created by Applications ... or WDC SHOULD have detected them instead of missing them.
Oh, and also, as can be seen in the 2 images, there also seems to be a noticeable discrepancy in the Old Prefetch Data between the 2 apps. True, it's not a huge discrepancy as with the other issue, but a discrepancy nonetheless. I don't know if there is a logical explanation for that or whether that also needs to be looked into.
Sorry about how I discussed the 2nd image first instead of starting with the 1st image. It's that after submitting my topic, the order of my images was mysteriously swapped. So, I had to edit the text to match the order of the images.
Jimmyerund reacted to Lacn in Portuguese (Portugal) translation
I translate to portuguese the Wise apps there are several years.
I use to update the translations and send them by email but, sometimes, despite the timely sendings, the new versions don't include the updated translations.
It's the case of Wise Care 365 v4.1.3 that don't include the last updated translation for v4.1.1 sended on March,24.
To avoid outdated translations, I will post them in the forum too and they will be available for download to the users who want to use them.
Luis Neves
Jimmyerund reacted to UCanFixIt in "Mark Solved" Option Now Available to Members
Hello all members,
The "Mark Solved" option has been activated in the Computer Trouble-Shooting Discussion Board. Now originating posters (OPs) can select their own "Best Answer."
How it works:
Each member response to an originating poster's issue will now include a "Mark Solved" button that can only be seen by the OP (see image1). If a specific response solves the OPs issue, he/she can simply click the Mark Solved button for that specific response and it will automatically do two things:
1. It will update the index to show the OPs issue as "Answered." (see image2)
2. It will add the "Best Answer" to the top of the OPs post. (see image3)
This new feature could really benefit members or guests that are looking for solutions while browsing or searching the Computer Trouble-Shooting Discussion Board.
Note: The Wise Specific Product Boards do not have this feature enabled.
Jimmyerund reacted to Chim in Problem with the Forums' Functionality?
I don't know if it's just on my side, but I've been noticing some problems with the functionality of the forums.
(1) If I try to post a reply in a thread via the "Reply to this topic" box at the bottom of the thread ... nothing happens. The reply doesn't remotely attempt to get posted. I end up having to use the Black "Reply to this topic" BUTTON at the upper right of the page.
(2) The next issue: Well, I was planning on attaching a screen capture image to show the problem that I'm encountering, but the problem is that I'm not being allowed to attach an image because the problem IS right at that area. So, I'll try to explain the problem.
Right there at the "Attach Files" area at the bottom left of the reply box ... where the "Choose Files" BUTTON is --- some other text that appears to read "uldn't load plug" is being superimposed on the Choose Files BUTTON. This is rendering the Choose Files BUTTON non-functional.
In case it helps zero in on the problem --- I am using Windows XP Pro SP3. I am using the latest version of avast Free Anti-Virus. I am using NetZero Dial Up Internet.
Jimmyerund reacted to plb7777 in Wise Download Manager
Dear Developer;
Request is as follows please develop
1. wise download manager
2. wise video downloader
3. wise internet browser
thank you
Jimmyerund reacted to Linkin in How to Fix ‘Virtual Memory Too Low’?
"Out of virtual memory" is one of the Windows annoying errors. Usually your PC starts freezing first. Then an error appears and tells you that your virtual memory is too low. In this article we are going to explain what causes this error and how to fix it .
Note: Typically, this low virtual memory problem happens in an old computer.
What is virtual memory?
Virtual memory, also known as page file or swap file, is a file on your hard disk that Windows uses in addition to physical memory (RAM) whenever the need arises. For example, when you are running an application or a process your RAM can’t handle, virtual memory is there to help. Usually the page file is 1.5 times the amount of physical memory.
Why does the "low on virtual memory" error occur?
There are two things that usually cause this error:
1. You don’t have enough RAM;
2. An application on your computer is buggy and is causing a memory leak.
How to fix it?
Getting rid of this error is not too difficult, especially if it happens because your computer doesn’t have enough RAM. If that’s the case, all you need to do is add more physical memory to speed up computer performance. If you can’t do it immediately, you can increase the size of the page file. Here’s how to do it:
Right-click on My Computer and go to Properties.
Click on the Advanced tab (or Advanced system settings link if you are using Windows 7 or Vista) and then click on the Settings button in the Performance section.
A new window will open. Go to the Advanced tab.
Find the Virtual memory section and click on the Change button.
Select the System managed size option or manually change the size of the page file.
Click OK.
It might just be the case that your computer needs more real, physical memory. By this I mean RAM sticks that can be purchased in most computer, electronics, or office supply stores. If your PC is more than three years old, chances are it's close to being obsolete -- at least in terms of the ability to run today's resource-hogging software packages. And adding RAM to an older computer is the most effective thing you can do to upgrade it.
However, if the error is caused by a buggy application, you’ll first need to identify the culprit. To do that, open the Task Manager (press Ctrl+Alt+Del on your keyboard) and go to the Processes tab. Then click on View –> Select Columns. Check the Virtual Memory Size (in Windows 7 choose Commit Size) checkbox and click OK. Now the Task Manager will be showing how much virtual memory each application is using. If you click on the VM Size or Commit Size column name twice, the processes will be sorted based on how much virtual memory they are using, from largest to smallest. You will instantly see which process in the most hungry one.
Then you’ll need to find the application that’s running the process.
Now that you know which program is causing low virtual memory, you can try to fix it. First of all try updating the software – usually updates fix bugs like that. If that doesn’t work, try uninstalling and reinstalling the application. If that doesn’t work either, contact the software support team and search the Internet for that particular software problem.
Jimmyerund reacted to Tracy in Outlook data not outlook data
Outlook not connecting to Microsoft Exchange.
Outlook data not outlook data file
Operating system:Windows 8 Pro (64 bit)
System root: C:\WINDOWS
Available physical memory: 8177 MB
CPU: AMD A4-3400 APU with Radeon HD Graphics
Drive Info:
C: 916.85 GB
D: 14.57 GB
Internet Explorer: 10.0
Jimmyerund reacted to xilolee in Wise Portable versions and WSM strings
Hi WiseCleaner_Admin and WiseTeam guys!
I've already reported these (little) problems via email.
Some of the portable versions create folders and store files in %appdata%:
was ----> C:\Users\USER\AppData\Roaming\Wise Auto Shutdown\config.ini
wpu ----> C:\Users\USER\AppData\Roaming\Wise Uninstaller\config.ini --- wpu_uninstall.log --- *.reg --- *.file --- *.file.list --- *.png
wvc ----> C:\Users\USER\AppData\Roaming\Wise Video Converter\config.ini
wgb ----> C:\Users\USER\AppData\Roaming\Wise Game Booster\run.txt --- config.ini --- plgame.dfg --- ub.lst
wc365 --> C:\Users\USER\AppData\Roaming\Wise Euask\tipIds.ini
wdc ----> C:\Users\USER\AppData\Roaming\Wise Disk Cleaner\UpdateInfo\
They should create those files inside their own program folders.
WSM correctly shows my memory manufacturer name (NANYA) BUT it doesn't show the Manufactor string (maybe is manufacturer more correct?) in hardware monitor, memory (between speed and serial number).
It probably wants the Manufacter string inside the Italian.ini (and also inside the other languages files).
Vice versa, the Manufactor string in hardware monitor, graphic card is present, BUT it doesn't show my graphic card manufacturer name (INTEL).
Jimmyerund reacted to Linkin in How to Hide Any Free Partition, File and Folder in Your Windows 7&8 PC?
How to Recover Deleted Files in Windows For Free? Check this video
Most users’ computers have more than two partitions, we store different files and folders in different partitions. I am no exception, I have four partitions in my desktop, that is C: System, D: Backup, E: Work, F: Entertainment. There are some secret files and important documents that I don’t want to be seen by anyone, so it is imperative to hide this partition or the important files from the prying eyes. In this tutorial, I am gonna show you how to hide any free partition( the system partition not included), files and folders.
1. Follow the next steps to hide a partition:
Step 1: Right mouse click on Computer
Step 2: Click on Manage
Step 3: From the list of options click on Disk Management that will be located in the left bottom section
Step 4: All your hard disks and its partitions will be shown in the right hand side
Step 5: Right mouse click on the partition that you want to hide and select “Change Drive Letters and Paths”
Step 6: Click on “Remove” and click “Yes”
Step 7: Your drive will now be hidden in Computer
To unhide the partition :
Step 1: Go to Disk Management again and right mouse click on the hidden partition (there will not be a drive letter on the hidden drive) again select “Change Drive Letters and Path”
Step 2: Click on Add and select an appropriate drive letter.
Step 3: Click OK
Step 4: Now the drive is visible.
But this partition hiding technique also has disadvantages:
1. What if I just want to hide some files but not the whole partition.
2. Security issue, I mean some other guys with some computer skills can unhide this partition with several clicks, it is not very safe.
So it is more convenient and secure if we can hide any file or folder we want and also encrypt them.
Wise Folder Hider(http://www.wisecleaner.com/wisefolderhider.html) is a perfect solution for that. It is freeware, you don’t need any license key to use it.
It is pretty straightforward to hide files and folders with it. The first time you opened it, you are prompted a window asking you to create your password. Next time you open it, just type in the password. If you want to hide any file, folder or a USB, just click the corresponding tab and choose the target file, folder or USB, or just drag and drop any files or folders into it. Simple like that.
Not simple enough? I have an easier way. When you installed Wise Folder Hider, a shortcut of it is automatically added to your context menu. You can just right click any file or folder and then choose Hide Folder with Wise Folder, there you go, it is hidden by Wise Folder Hider.
Still not satisfied? Some users may be concerned that I have to unhide the files when I need them, and hide them again when I am done using. What if I forget to hide them? Even I remember every time I use them, it is too many steps for me. The good thing about Wise Folder Hider is you can open any hidden files in Wise Folder Hider, you don’t have to unhide and hide a file over and over again. When you open any hidden files in it, it becomes visible to you. When you Close Wise Folder Hider, it becomes hidden again.
Hope the things I said above can be of help to you guys.
Jimmyerund reacted to donut in Microsoft Windows Installer Error 1320
The Microsoft Windows Installer Error 1320 may occur when you attempt to install software on your computer. For example, when you attempt to install the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences software by IBM, you may receive an error message similar to "Error 1320. The specified path is too long.
C:\ProgramData\Application Data\SPSS." Several other programs that you attempt to install or uninstall an application may also produce the MSI 1320 Error.
MSIExec.exe and InstMsi.exe Functions
· When installing the SPSS software, the MsiExec.exe and InstMsi.exe functions return the MSI 1320 error if the installation folder named INSTALLDIR is mapped to a network drive.
Path names that are too long will also return MSI 1320 errors. For example, if you work with Visual Studio and you place projects in directories other than the hard drive, commonly "C," this is likely to occur.
· If you placed the INSTLLDIR folder in a substituted drive using the DOS SUBST command, an MSI 1320 may be returned. The DOS SUBST command is used to associate a path with the letter of a virtual or physical drive. Errors will occur if you use the DOS SUBST command on a network drive.
Temporarily Modify Shortcut
· Modify the C:\ProgramData directory by removing the Application Data shortcut before you install the software. You'll have to show hidden files to locate the shortcut. To do this, navigate to the "Start" button and select the "Control Panel." Click "Appearance and Personalization," and then click "Folder Options." Click the "View" tab, and then click "Show hidden files and folders" located under "Advanced Settings." Click "OK." Drag the "Application Data" shortcut to your Desktop. If that's not possible, rename the folder to unlock it first, and then drag the "Application Data" shortcut to your Desktop. Place the shortcut back to the C:\ProgramData directory after you finish installing the software.
Warnings and Considerations
· Some of your settings may not be restored after you remove and then replace the Application Data shortcut. Workaround this by selecting the "Do not show hidden files and folders" option in the Folder and Search Options category. You'll also want select the "Hide protected operating systems files" option to restore your original settings.
Contact the software or hardware manufacturer of the software or hardware you're trying to install to get the appropriate support. Visiting the manufacturer's website and posting a query on a forum may lead to a faster result.
Jimmyerund reacted to Config in Do you know their difference in WDC?
(1/4)-Defragment - This operation will concatenate fragmented files into one chunk so as to accelerate file-reading speed and free additional available space though a little. (Files that can't be moved or a...re locked will be skipped.)
(2/4)-Quick Optimization - This operation will defragment fragmented files and rearrange small files (only) to concatenate storage areas to free up disk space.
(3/4)-Full Optimization - This operation will defragment fragmented files and rearrange all files (fragmented or not) to concatenate storage areas to free up disk space.
(4/4)-Analyze - This operation will only analyze and show you the disk fragments.
Jimmyerund reacted to WDCF in about the disk cleaner
iam fairly new to wise cleaner. so i ran disk cleaner (advanced settings) and i thought one clean was enough. but tried out 2-3 more scans, revealed a lot of junk i didnt know i had as seen in these screenshots. would be nice to have option to clean entire junk accumelation
i love wise disk cleaner a lot. cleans up pc with ease.
Jimmyerund reacted to payne in driver cleaner
as the title would suggest strongly to insert a module in wise care of cleaning old drivers and all their tracks ... as you know very often need to do a deep cleaning of the driver when you have problems with your video card or you have to change as well as the rest of the hardware ... I hope that in the next version there's this work that I recommend
Jimmyerund reacted to Linkin in How to Disable Windows 7 Search?
Windows Search in Windows 7 is turned on by default. If you are using other third party tools instead or you want to disable it because of security reasons, you can follow this tutorial.
Before you actually read it, I have to warn you, if you disable Windows 7 search, you will see:
1. All the search boxes in Windows will disappear, including the search boxes in Windows Explorer, the Start menu, Control Panel, the Documents library, and other libraries.
2. Programs that rely on Windows Search might not function properly.
3. Internet Explorer won't have enhanced search capabilities.
4. Windows Media Center won't have enhanced search capability.
5. You'll no longer be able to arrange your library views by metadata, and your column headers will only sort items, not stack or group them.
6. Options that affect Windows Search functionality will be removed, including indexing in Control Panel and the Search tab in Folder Options.
7. Windows will no longer recognize these search-based file types: search-ms, searchconnector-ms, and osdx.
8. Pressing Windows Key+F to open a search window will give you this error.
Follow the next easy steps to disable it:
Step 1: Open Control Panel
Step 2: Click Programs
Step 3: Click on Turn Windows features on or off
Step 4: From Windows Features window scroll down all the way to the bottom of the window and uncheck Windows Search
Step 5: Click Yes to the message asking are you sure you want to continue and click OK to save changes
Step 6: Wait for few seconds while Windows finish changes and then Restart your computer for changes take effect.
Step 7: Next time when you login in Windows 7 you won’t see Search box in your Start menu.
Jimmyerund reacted to xilolee in Feature requests/Suggestions: Wise Registry Cleaner missing features
Hi all!
I would like to see some new features of WRC:
1) Regarding the installed version of WRC (scilicet the uninstaller version): DON'T REMOVE c:\users\user-name\appdata\roaming\wise registry cleaner\backup folder and the files in it.
2) POSSIBILITY to select/tick/tap/check all found problems in a section and ignore them in one click.
Better: select part of the entries to ignore and ignore them in one click.
3) POSSIBILITY to ignore all sections in the custom area (at the present we need to select at least one section)
4) Command line parameter to defragment the Windows registry ONLY.
Jimmyerund reacted to WiseCleaner in Wise Disk Cleaner updated to newest version-7.85.555!
Hello everyone!
Thanks for using Wise Disk Cleaner and your support to the product!
We are keeping optimizing and adjusting new functions according to your ideas and suggestions!
Now it’s time for the release of the newest version-7.85.555!
What’s New:
Some Hotkeys repaired. Updated various translations. Minor GUI improvements. Other minor improvement.
Get it now: http://www.wiseclean...m/download.html
Add us to Friends on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/wisecleanersoft
Add us to Friends on Twitter:http://www.twitter.com/wisecleaner
Jimmyerund reacted to wisecleaner_admin in 2014 Halloween Gift
Click Here to learn more about this promotion.
The offer will expire on 7th Nov., 2014
Jimmyerund reacted to WiseCleaner in Windows 10 & Wisecleaner Software incompatible?
Hi All,
Recently, we got some feedback about Wise Care 365, Wise Disk Cleaner and Wise Registry Cleaner can't be
compatible with Windows 10. Have you also encountered the same issue? If yes, please help us to know it clearly
with your screenshots and detailed steps.
In return, we will free send you a license key of any our paid product (Wise Care 365 Pro, Wise Folder Hider Pro, Wise Video Converter). And the type of the key is from 3 months to 1 year according to your feedback. If you are the paid users,
we would like to extend the using time of your license key.
You can write to [email protected] or leave a message here.
Looking forward to your feedback, thanks in advance
Jimmyerund reacted to StefZZZ in [WFH] Old features
I think that some things can be added again
At WFH you can add check boxes > so if you want to unhide more file at same time it can be great.
Wise Care 365
At Wise Care 365 the interface is greater ... but i thinks that with percentages (%) it would be better because time is not always right (time can be left).
At right click can be add something to erase files/folders
> this can be add also at Recycle Bin
or you can put a box to drag & drop like first picture with WFH.