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WiseAutoShutdown feature requests, bug reports, updated translations


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this is very nice application so I have some suggestions:


1. to ad an option for weekly shutdown (eg. one day in a week, lets say Sutarday at 17:35)

This feature has very few shutdown tools (Aireytec Switch Off)


2. to run whether users are logged on or not


3. to start or not with system start.




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Hi nebek,

Thank you for your suggestions.

1, Add an option for weekly shutdown. 

    We'll consider it, although only a few people need it. 

2, To run whether user is log in or off.

    It is impossible, if you don't log in, most of third-party programs cannot run.

3, To start with system start

    If you create a Daily Task, it will start with system start.

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  • 5 months later...

Very nice application. Would it be possible to add:

  • Facility to add different shutdown times for different days? - Say you wanted to run an anti-virus scan late on a Friday night.
  • Setup Monthly tasks
  • Edit the text on the shutdown notification
  • Add corpoarate branding
  • Password protect the system tray icon. So users can't cancel or exit the software without knowing the password


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

Hi, hope you don't mind if I suggest some English improvements:


1. Main GUI:
Suggestion and feedback
Suggestions and feedback

Your PC will xxxxxx after x hours and..
Your PC will xxxxxx in x hours and..

2. Popup dialogue
Are you sure to cancel the current task?
Are you sure you want to cancel the current task?
Do you really want to cancel the current task?
or (short but acceptable)
'Really cancel the current task?'

Note: I always found my Chinese students making this error.

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Hi dalchina.
Not only chinese students, ì'd say!
In italian, we say "Your PC will xxxxxx after x hours and.." = "il tuo pc ... dopo/fra/tra/in x ore e..."
Dopo/fra/tra/in = after/between/in
Unfortunately, the strings of the english.ini can't be changed, otherwise the program will crash (tried now). :(
We should wait admin/developers! ;)
strings to be modified:
CancelTask=Are you sure you want to cancel the current task?
TaskRunning=The task is running. Are you sure you want to exit?
TaskCanceled=The scheduler task was cancelled.
ShutdownHint=Your computer will %0:s in %1:s minutes.
scheduledfromnow=Your PC will %0:s in %1:s hour(s) and %2:s minute(s).
scheduledidle=Your PC will %0:s in %1:s hour(s) and %2:s minute(s) in idle.
ReStartNow=Are you sure you want to restart now?
ShutdownNow=Are you sure you want to shut down now?
NewVer=A new version is available! Do you want to upgrade it now?

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi linou! :)
I don't know if that option actually exists in wise auto shutdown (it seems no).
Is yours a feature request?
Anyway, the hibernation should be on before that command.
I've just tried your command shutdown -s -hybrid -f -t 0 and the hiberfil.sys didn't appear, because I've set it off with powercfg -h off.
The WAS hibernate function doesn't work when the hibernation is set to off: it is considered as sleep/standby.
Microsoft states that hibernation couldn't be always present:

Video Card: Your video card may not support the sleep function. In this case, update the driver for your video card, or check the video card information and supported drivers that was included with your computer. For more information, see Update drivers: recommended links.
BIOS: Sleep and other power saving states may be turned off in the BIOS of your computer. To turn on the sleep function, restart your computer, and then enter the BIOS setup. When your computer starts, instructions typically appear on the screen to indicate the key or keyboard shortcut that you must press to enter the BIOS setup process. Because not all computer manufacturers use the same BIOS, different keys may be assigned for this purpose.
Windows policies (set from gpedit or regedit by the administrator): Some settings are managed by the system administrator. For more information, see Why won't Windows allow me to change a system setting?
hybrid sleep option turned on (Windows vista and Windows 7).

(I didn't understand the last one)
Hence, it would be nice whether WAS automatically detect if hibernation is present and/or if hibernation is possible on the current machine.
If it is not, it shouldn't show hibernate (and hybrid shutdown, if and when implemented).

Or it should automatically enable the hibernation (if the machine supports it)!

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Thanks Xilo,

On my computer with an Asus motherboard I didnt change any parameter nor in Win8.1 . 


And this command works perfectly.

I agree mainly with your  suggest for next version of WAS.


Sorry for my very bad English !!   and merry Christmas.


French newbie from Paris.

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  • 5 weeks later...


I downloaded this software and I found it very useful.

Only a question: wisecleaner_admin said that if you set a Daily task, the program will starts with Windows starts; I set daily shutdown but the program didn't start with system and I have to launch it every day.

My version is 1.43.71.

What's wrong??


Thanks for the attention,


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Hallo wise cleaner team!

Ich mag Wise Auto Shutdown sehr und fänd's prima, wenn er als weitere Option zur festgelegten Zeit (nur) die Internetverbindung trennen kann (solch eine Funktion suche ich schon lange).

Besten Gruß!


translated from german

Hi wise cleaner team!

I like Wise Auto Shutdown and very fänd's fine if he (only) can disconnect from the Internet as another option to the set time (such a function I'm looking for a long time).

Best regards!

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  • 2 months later...

Great APP - Lets make it perfect  :wub: 


1. Task activation when NOT LOGGED IN. Being able to set a task to activate when NOT logged in or after reboot before logging in.


2. Count down till task activation.


3. Launch Custom Task. Being able to activated a chosen program with TASK Time parameters.


4. Multiple Task scheduled.


Thank U all !!!

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