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[Wise Jet Search] I would recommend a similar program to get some feateures on

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Hi there,


It's my first message on this boar and first I like to thank you for your really cool programs.


But I have to say that some need maybe simple improvements to beat the concurrence...


This time I recommend to take a look on "Everything Seach Engine" from VoidTools


Sinc JetSearch takes 10 to 15 secs to find something on my system, Everything takes no single second fraction.

I mean, I just have to start to write and Everything starts to showme every thing on my system that maches the text in REAL SAME TIME.


I think that should be the best way to search somthing on cumputers.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Wise Jetsearch is different with Everything.

1, When you run everything the first time, it will take a long time to load and display all files of your disk.

    But, wise jetsearch won't do it. Wise jetsearch just show you the file which you look  for.

2, Do you notice, when everything display all files, but the total number is always changed anytime.

    It means  everything is monitoring your system and hard disk, and it always runs in background even if you close the window.

    Do you like this, monitoring your system?

    But, wise jetsearch won't do it. 

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Wise Jetsearch is different with Everything.

1, When you run everything the first time, it will take a long time to load and display all files of your disk.

    But, wise jetsearch won't do it. Wise jetsearch just show you the file which you look  for.

2, Do you notice, when everything display all files, but the total number is always changed anytime.

    It means  everything is monitoring your system and hard disk, and it always runs in background even if you close the window.

    Do you like this, monitoring your system?

    But, wise jetsearch won't do it. 

I run it at startup and don't notice the few seconds it takes to load the file database. I use it a lot and when I am looking for something, the return is almost instantaneously and the footprint is so small

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  • 3 years later...

I run it at startup and don't notice the few seconds it takes to load the file database. I use it a lot and when I am looking for something, the return is almost instantaneously and the footprint is so small

I keep it pinned to the taskbar. It is a lot easier to use (usually) than windows Explorer

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