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How to change Fahrenheit to Centigrade in bootup booster?


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The weather info center in Bootup Booster is useful. :lol:
Then how to change the Fahrenheit to Celsius displayed? :o
Easy! B)
Please follow the instructions below to realize it: :) (Take English file for example.)
1. Go to your installation path of Wise Care 365.
2. Please find: Wise Care 365 -- Languages -- English.ini
3. Open the "English.ini" and press "ctrl"+"F" to find: "Weathertag=F"

4. Please change the "Weathertag=F" to "Weathertag=c".

(a lowercase "c" instead of a capital letter "C".)

5. Save the file and re-start your PC.
If you are using the software in other languages,
simply go to the certain "languagename.ini" file and make the same modification.
Voila! :D
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