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Everything posted by wisecleaner_admin

  1. Hi chim, Wise Anti Malware can works well with other security products, like Avast. It is a real-time app, and the database will be updated every day. But, currently it cannot run well in Windows XP, we are trying to fix it.
  2. Hi cher.ratan and jpfarns, Wise Anti Malware installer doesn't include virus engine, when you finish installation, it will start to download virus engine. Please close wise anti malware, the Tray will continue downloading.
  3. Hi, I don't think this problem is caused by wise care 365. Can you tell me the error message when you open a website? (If could, please give me a screenshot of it.)
  4. Dear users, We have just released a new product: Wise Anti Malware Beta. This new product can help you defense against Virus, Malware, Adware, Ransomware, Phishing, Spyware and unwanted programs (PUP/PUA). The most important is Wise Anti Malware Perfect compatible with Windows 10 Defender. Please download Wise Anti Malware to try! Please note, The installer doesn't include virus database, after you finish installation, the Malware Cleaner is not activated. Please close it and wait a moment, the Tray will download virus database in background. The download time depends on your internet speed, normally it less than 30 minutes. However, there is still space for improvement for this beta version, please leave a comment or write down the bugs you found below. We would really appreciate that. Thank you! WiseCleaner Team Release Logs: ************************** v2.11 Date: 05-21-2018 Release official version. ------------------------------------- v1.28 Date: 04-23-2018 New changes: + Improved update service. + Improved ad cleaner. ------------------------------------- v1.25 Date: 03-20-2018 New changes: + Fixed the bug "Engine failed to start " ------------------------------------- v1.24 Date: 03-16-2018 New changes: + Improved virus engine. + Fixed minor bugs. ------------------------------------- v1.23 Date: 03-13-2018 New changes: + Improved virus engine initialization process. + Minor GUI improvements. -------------------------------------- v1.22 Date: 03-06-2018 New changes: + Improved virus engine installation. + Reduced memory usage. + Added 6 languages, Dutch, German, Hungarian, Korean, Russian and Ukrainian. -------------------------------------- v1.21 Date: 02-28-2018 New changes: + Fix the bug of high memory usage. + Improved Quarantine function. --------------------------------------- v 1.17 Date: 02-26-2018 New changes: + Improved real-time protection + Fix minor bugs of System Cleaner + Minor GUI improvements. + Updated language. ***********************************
  5. ok. Any further problem, please feel free to contact us.
  6. Q: I have updated video card driver to the latest Adrenalin, but a few days latter it still said I need to update it. Why? If your OS is Windows 10, you may occur this problem. It is not a bug of Wise Driver Care, the reason is Windows Update. Windows Update will automatically update device drivers, sometimes the driver version is not you want. We can change Windows Update settings to fix this issue. A. If you want to block Windows Update to auto install all devices drivers. 1.Tap Win+Break simultaneously to open System 2.Tap Advanced system settings in the left panel 3.On the Hardware tab, click Device Installation Settings 4.Select No (your device might not work as expected) B. If you only want to block Windows Update to auto install graphic card driver (or other specific device) 1.Right click on left bottom Windows icon 2.Click Device Manager 3.Find device name and right click on it, click Properties - Details - Hardware Ids, then copy the ID 4.Tap Win+R simultaneously 5.Enter gpedit.msc to open Local Group Policy Editor 6.Select the Computer Configuration, then select Administrative Templates - System - Device Installation - Device Installation Restrictions 7.Double click to open Prevent installation of devices that match any of these device IDs 8.Select Enabled 9.Click Show, paste the IDs that you copied before 10.Click OK to save settings. You can refer this page to learn more about How to customize Windows Update
  7. Hi, can you give me a screenshot of it?
  8. Q: Cannot connect to server. If you get this error while checking drivers, do not worry about it. Please do the following: 1, press Win+R to open Run 2, type cmd to open Command Prompt 3, type this command: ping liveupdate51.drivergenius.com 4, make a screenshot of the result and sent it to us.
  9. The server blocks ping command. If you can get the ip address, means the server is working well.
  10. Hi xilolee, Please help us to do a test. 1, press Win+R 2, enter cmd to open Command Prompt 3, type ping liveupdate51.drivergenius.com and press Enter to start this command. 4, then make a screenshot of result and send it to us, Thanks.
  11. Hi Serenator, happy new year! The minimize size is 880x580 pix, booth png and jpg is good.
  12. Nice! If you have any question, please feel free to contact us.
  13. You are welcome! Any question, please feel free to contact us.
  14. Hi, does wise driver care run well today? If it still cannot connect to server, please tell me your IP address, we will check it.
  15. Hi, Sorry, wise care 365 doesn't have this option. we just want to notice user his/her browser is running now in case wise care 365 close your important page. You can try this, create a auto-clean task (on bottom left cornor), wise care 365 will skip browser if it is running.
  16. Yes, the idle task will never run if CPU usage over 5% every 5 minutes. My suggestion, if you want to shut down PC that means you don't need to receive emails, so you can set up a normal daily shutdown task, or specified time task. or change email client checking time to every 20 minutes.
  17. hi ileobr, This file is used to monitor uninstallation process. e.g., when you uninstall a program via Control Panel or the uninstaller of the program, UnMonitor.exe will know it and auto scan leftovers. If you don't need it, you can disable it from Menu, uncheck Detect the uninstallation of other uninstaller.
  18. Thanks, xilolee Hi,solane About "Idle" task, wise auto shutdown will check if CPU usage is lower than 5% and there is not mouse/keyboard or other input device activity, it will start the timer. If system stay on idle over 15 minutes, it will start Idle task. For example, I set up a 1 minute On idle shutdown task, when system go into idle, wise auto shutdown will shutdown system after 16 minutes. During this 16 minutes, if CPU usage over 5%, or you move mouse, the timing will be stopped, until system goes into idle the timer will starts again.
  19. HI, Yes, you can change the default folder to another partition. or, you can move these files to another folder, then change the backup folder to this new one.
  20. Thanks xilolee Thanks Mihail Kosev. we will fix it soon.
  21. Hi Meisterfleister, These are backups that files you have deleted. If you are sure don't need them again, you can delete them. Also, you can disable auto-backup option.
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