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wise care 365 defragger


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the first time i used the defragger on this program and then went to my pc defragger it was all blue with not white or red lines. however since then it does not do that and i have to use the pc's dragger and it defrags even more. what is the problem. does this mean i have to pay for the program.


also first time i defrag the registry my pc had problems like the ip address. and even now i dont have the same one.


i am using the programs to see how i like it then will pay for them.


also i use Ccleaner and in the startup menu's some old programs i uninstalled still shows up and your program can not get to that part. now on some of those it shows delete but on some it does not


thank you for your time  hope this is not a violation answer me by email please [email protected]

Edited by jacqulinej
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