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backup application could not start due to an internal error server execution failed (0x80080005)




Operating system:Windows 8.1 Pro (64 bit)

System root: C:\WINDOWS

Available physical memory: 32705 MB

CPU: Intel® Core i7-3770K CPU @ 3.50GHz

Drive Info:

C: 931.51 GB

D: 931.50 GB

E: 931.51 GB

H: 931.51 GB

Z: 29.82 GB

Internet Explorer: 11.0

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Hi Jed,


You just haven't provided enough background information to get started IMHO. Did this just start? Did it ever work OK? Have you done any program installs, applied any Windows Updates, or made any hardware changes recently? What have you tried to fix this already? In any event, I have a better solution. Download and start using this free backup program and you won't get that error anymore:


Macrium Reflect Free


So, at this point, you can either tell us more or just make the switch to Macrium Free.



Good luck with your decision,



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