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web-stick with metered connection

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Hello alltogether,


I´ve got a question about using a UMTS-stick as far as windows 10 is concerned and I wonder if there´s anybody out there who might be able to give me some advice.


At present I´m using a web stick which I purchased at Aldi. The maker is actually Huawei (HUAWEI E1550 HSDPA USB Stick).
My operating system is windows 8.1 (64bit) and the stick just works fine.

To be more precise:
I´ve got a flatrate (5 GB highspeed per month, after that just low download rate). So there´s a data quota of about 170 MB per day. With these parameters I´m very happy as the data quota seems really sufficient for me.


The thing is: when upgrading to windows 10 there won´t be the possibility of declining software updates, so they´re going to be mandatory. There might be the possibility of receiving updates nearly each and every day.

My operating system however recognizes my web-stick as LAN-connection and thus there´s no possibility of rendering the connection as "metered".
Which means that all updates will be downloaded and installed. My fear is that windows 10 will be eating up the bulk of my 5 GB (per month) without me having had any real use of them.


My question now is:
Does anybody know a solution to the problem of getting my system to recognize my web-stick as something that can be set to "metered"?


Any suggestions are welcome.


Thanks a lot in advance.



Rosika  ^_^

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