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Everything posted by UCanFixIt

  1. I have two suggestions for you based on the minimal information provided: 1. Tell us more and be very specific about your issue (see my signature for help in effectively posting your problem) 2. Go here if you think you are infected with malware: http://www.bleepingcomputer.com/forums/f/103/am-i-infected-what-do-i-do/
  2. Since maintenance is all done in the background, can you please tell us how you know it is not running and what you observe when it is running? Here's mine started for comparison. Note the "maintenance in progress" message and the elevated activity in task manager. Please provide more detail.
  3. If you Google for "secure usb ports how to", you will find several hardware and software solutions. I found this one to be most interesting; however, I have never tried it or had the need to use such software. Take a peek and see if it might work for you: http://www.softpedia.com/get/Security/Lockdown/USB-Port-Locked.shtml Good luck, UCanFixit
  4. Hi saad, Wise Disk Cleaner does have an option for secure deletion of files (see attachment). Also, the send to recycle bin would be a great option if it were technically feasible because it would give one the opportunity to review the actual files before deletion. Now, I would envision that option would work as follows: Send to Recycle Bin if checked Bypass recycle bin if not checked However, I see that our admin has already indicated that it might not be possible to deploy such an option but it was a good suggestion anyway. Cheers! UCanFixit
  5. Run sfc /scannow from an elevated command prompt. If errors or discrepancies are reported, run the following subsequent command: Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth Note: Both messages will take some time to complete so be patient. Let us know if that worked for you. Good luck, UCanFixit
  6. Hi again xilolee, I personally consider you to be an advanced user and the fact that it took you a few tries to figure it out clearly indicates this should not be attempted by all. Moreover, you said: My response to the above is: Yes, after you put forth some time and effort to figure it out. IMHO, I just feel it is important to emphasize that one could get into trouble if they don't know what they are doing with this option and I'll leave it at that. Regards, UCanFixit
  7. Can you expand it after opening a webpage? Did it ever work? Do other browsers behave the same way? Need more details. See my signature for help in effectively presenting your issue.
  8. See my signature for help in effectively presenting your issue.
  9. See my signature for help in effectively presenting your issue.
  10. The message is indicating that you do not have administrative privileges; therefore, you cannot install whatever program you are trying to install.
  11. Whay fix it program cannot be uninstalled? Anything else we should know? See my signature for help.
  12. There are several ways to fix your issue listed here: http://malwaretips.com/blogs/backgroundcontainer-dll-virus-removal/
  13. That's wonderful news! Glad you got it working again! Regards, UCanFixit
  14. OK; that's more like it! Now, based on you situation, you may have one (or more) corrupted registry entries. And, if this condition was caused by a malware infection, you may be headed for a repair install. Let's start off by comparing your registry entries to mine and see if something is missing (or different) in your registry. BTW, I am hoping you know how to access the registry and understand my instructions below:
  15. Assuming your issue has not been caused by a malware infection, you might try rebuilding your icon cache as a first step: http://www.sevenforums.com/tutorials/49819-icon-cache-rebuild.html
  16. Are they there? Are you using a 3rd-party program? See my signature for help in posting your complete issue.
  17. I'm guessing those are XP system icons; yes? If so, you can try using TweakUI to rebuild/restore those default system icons. However, you also mentioned "certain other programs" so there may be more to this story than meets the eye. if so, see my signature for help in posting your complete issue properly: http://www.winhelponline.com/blog/repair-icons-windows-xp-using-tweak-ui/ The above suggestion is based on the assumption that your issue has not been caused by a malware infection.
  18. Your presentation of information is lacking much detail. See my signature for additional help in presenting your issue. Anyway, here is my best guess based on the information available from your post:: http://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/windows_xp-performance/error-message-on-boot-up-application-error-the/732ca3b8-44c7-402d-a943-3bdc308be45b
  19. The presentation of your problem lacks specific detail. See my signature for guidance.
  20. Your description of a worse-case-scenario is not accurate; in that, a worst-case-scenario would actually be where one configures the options to clean an area that should not be cleaned and destroys the operating system; thereby, necessitating a complete reinstall of the OS and an uninstall and reinstall of this program will not fix the damage done. Agreed! Only for very advanced users; period! In fact, this is one of the most complexed options I've ever encountered! Hi Xixolee! Glad you finally figured it out and thanks for sharing your success. Again, all your efforts seem to indicate this optional feature should not be used by anyone other than an advanced user IMHO.
  21. Your issue could have been caused by a malware infection or some other activity (unknown at this time). With that said, I would advise you to provide some additional information before I (personally) would make any recommendations. See my signature for guidance. Good luck.
  22. Hi saad, It may very well be a miscalculation by Wise Care; however, to be sure, could you please provide a screenshot of Disk Management? Also, could you provide a screenshot of the disk in question from System Information? FYI, my screenshots are from an 8.1 UEFI installation.
  23. Hi BPB, Glad you got it working and thanks for the followup response. Kudos to Phil for his specific direction too! Regards, UCanFixit
  24. I totally agree with xilolee. So, how do you know it was Wise Care that was interfering? Did you get a message or error that directly relates to Wise Care? If so, post it please.
  25. Hi again Phil! FYI, the OP sent me a PM (after his original post) and I ask him about itunes. He confirmed he just updated it so I pointed him to a few fixes. Hopefully, he'll come back and confirm that was the real issue. Anyway, you provided a great response without knowing for sure that he was using itunes so I applaud you for that effort! Cheers! UCanFixit
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