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Posts posted by Config

  1. Hi Please follow the steps below:


    I. Please download and run the "System Update Readiness Tool" below:




    If the System Update Readiness Tool doesn't correct the problem, you'll need to repair Windows. Repairing Windows won't damage your personal files or the programs that are installed on your computer.

    Once you finish the repair, you'll need to rerun Windows Update to install any updates aren't included on the installation DVD. To repair Windows, follow these steps:

    1. Close all programs, and then restart your computer.

    2. Insert the Windows DVD into the computer's disk drive. Wait for Setup to start. If Setup doesn't start automatically, follow these steps:

      1. Click Start, and then type Drive:\setup.exe in the search box, where Drive is the letter of your computer's DVD drive (for example, D:\setup.exe).

      2. In the Programs list, click Setup.exe.

    3. Click Install Now.

    4. Click Go online to obtain the latest updates for installation (recommended).

    5. If you are asked for it, type the Windows Product key.

    6. In the Which kind of installation do you want? window, click Upgrade.

    7. When the installation is complete, restart your computer, and then run Windows Update.

  2. One more Game for you


    S.k.i.l.l - Special Force 2



    Start in: Programme (x86)/Gameforge/Skill/Games/DEU_deu/S.K.I.L.L

    Target: Programme (x86)/Gameforge/Skill/Games/DEU_deu/S.K.I.L.L/Binaries/Win32/sf2.exe


    The game start with GameforgeLive. And can be startet over GameforgeLive.


    Path to GameforceLive:


    Start in; Programme (x86)/Gameforge/Skill/Games/DEU_deu/S.K.I.L.L

    Target: Programme (x86)/Gameforge/Skill/Games/DEU_deu/S.K.I.L.L/GameforgeLive.exe


    Gamelink: http://de.skill.gameforge.com/


    Picture: http://www.bilderhoster.net/k1kyb2wz.png.html


    Thanks Daniel, we will add it to Wise Game Booster in next update.  :)

  3. Dear User,


    We’ve newly constructed a section for you to get fresh PC tips and quick solutions to fix your problems. It’s the Think Tank section on our website.


    Address: http://www.wisecleaner.com/think-tank.html


    There you can read newest PC tips and look up for solutions to your PC problems at ease. It keeps updating regularly.


    You are welcome to contribute your articles & ideas!

    You can send your articles of PC tips to: press#wisecleaner.com (change # to @)



    WiseCleaner.com Team

  4. Hi


    To disable Remote Desktop:
    Click System in Control Panel. 
    On the Remote tab, clear the Allow users to connect remotely to your computer check box, and then click OK. 
    You must be logged on as an administrator or a member of the Administrators group to disable the Remote Desktop feature. 
    To open a Control Panel item, click Start, click Control Panel, and then click the appropriate icon. 
  5. Hallo Trontheim


    I would suggest you to check the Windows Firewall Settings and check if it helps.


    a )      Type in Control Panel on the Start Page.

    b )      On the left side, click Control Panel.

    c )      Click on Windows Firewall.

    d )      On the left pane, click on "Allow an app or feature through Windows Firewall".

    e )      Under the Allowed apps and features, look for Store.

    f )       Make sure you have a click in Private and or Public.


    Then see if you can open the Windows Store.


    If you have a 3rd party Firewall, you may need to change the settings to allow the app thru the Firewall.

    NOTE: Antivirus software can help protect your computer against viruses and other security threats. In most cases, you should not disable your antivirus software. If you have to temporarily disable it to install other software, you should re-enable it as soon as you are done. If you are connected to the Internet or a network while your antivirus software is disabled, your computer is vulnerable to attacks.


    Hope it helps!

  6. Hi 

    Please try using the Playing Audio troubleshooter to fix the problem. It checks for common problems with your volume settings, your sound card or driver, and your speakers or headphones.

    Open the Playing Audio troubleshooter by clicking the Start button 4f6cbd09-148c-4dd8-b1f2-48f232a2fd33_818, and then clicking Control Panel. In the search box, type troubleshooter, and then click Troubleshooting. Under Hardware and Sound, click Troubleshoot audio playback.18abb370-ac1e-4b6b-b663-e028a75bf05b_48. If you're prompted for an administrator password or confirmation, type the password or provide confirmation.

  7. Hi :)


    I've marked the places which are in English, where everything is my language..

    Is it possible to get the words listed, so I can get it translated? :)


    Hi JP,

    Veeeeery sorry to reply so late. You know what, you should have contacted us via email, skype or msg directly. :P


    We have checked and found the problem here:


    Would you please check the language file again? The sections you highlighted should be in the content.


    It's just that the square brackets ("[ ]") are not completed. Please take the picture below for reference.



  8. Dear User,


    Good news here!


    Wise Disk Cleaner 8.0 is right around the corner. In this version, you can customize the options in it as an advanced user and get new experience. Try it now before its official release:



    Below is the guide to make the custom configuration file. You are invited to tell us what you think about it and please have us informed whether anything needs to be modified. Thanks in advance!



    Changes in WDC 9.


    If you are using WDC9, and you set up Type=Custom, you will see it in here.




    Hope you like it!


    Best Regards,

    WiseCleaner.com Team


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