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Posts posted by wisecleaner_admin

  1. Dear user,

    Sorry about that. Wise Folder Hider cannot move or export files to another location. The Export to... function will only export the scan result list.

    In theory, the original files will not be deleted, and the new version of Wise Duplicate Finder will prompt you if all files are selected. 



  2. Dear user, 

    If VLC Media Player is crashing on Windows 11, there are several steps you can take to troubleshoot and resolve the issue. Here are some methods you can try:

    Method 1: Update VLC Media Player

    1. Open VLC Media Player.
    2. Click on Help in the top menu.
    3. Select Check for Updates.
    4. If an update is available, follow the prompts to download and install it.
    5. Restart VLC and see if the issue persists.

    Method 2: Reset VLC Preferences

    1. Open VLC Media Player.
    2. Click on Tools in the top menu.
    3. Select Preferences.
    4. In the bottom left corner, click on Reset Preferences.
    5. Confirm by clicking OK.
    6. Restart VLC.

    Method 3: Disable Hardware Acceleration

    1. Open VLC Media Player.
    2. Click on Tools in the top menu.
    3. Select Preferences.
    4. In the bottom left corner, switch to All settings by clicking on the All radio button.
    5. In the left pane, expand Input/Codecs.
    6. Click on Video Codecs and then FFmpeg.
    7. On the right side, uncheck the box for Hardware decoding.
    8. Save the changes and restart VLC.

    Method 4: Increase File Caching

    • Open VLC Media Player.
    • Click on Tools in the top menu.
    • Select Preferences.
    • Switch to All settings.
    • In the left pane, expand Input/Codecs and click Access Modules.
    • Click on File.
    • On the right side, increase the Caching value in ms (e.g., set it to 1000 or higher).
    • Save the changes and restart VLC.

    Method 5: Reinstall VLC Media Player

    1. Press Windows + I to open Settings.
    2. Navigate to Apps > Installed apps.
    3. Find VLC Media Player in the list.
    4. Click the three-dot menu next to it and select Uninstall.
    5. Follow the prompts to remove VLC from your system.
    6. Download the latest version of VLC from the official website.
    7. Install VLC and check if the problem is resolved.

    By following these steps, you should be able to prevent VLC Media Player from crashing on Windows 11. If the problem persists, consider seeking further assistance from VLC support.

  3. Dear users!

    We are excited to announce the release of beta version of the new product Wise Note. Welcome to download and try Wise Note.


    Click here to download


    Wise Note is a productivity tool, has 2 parts, Reminders and Notes. It can be considered as an advanced version of Wise Reminder.

    Important: Due to the use of Google Flutter, Wise Note only supports Windows 10 and Windows 11 64-bit systems.


    Wise Note is simple and practical. Of course, we still have a lot of space for improvement. Suggestions and comments from you are very welcome. We would be very grateful for that, and we will take your valuable suggestions seriously!


    Thank you.

  4. Dear user, 

    Sorry for not replying sooner. 

    1. Wise Folder Hider can hide files or folders to make them unvisible in File Explorer. However, Wise Folder does not store files or folders, it also doesn't change the hidden files' locations. So those hidden files still exist on their original locations. 

    2. If Wise Folder Hider was installed on C drive, then it will be removed after C drive formatted. All hidden files or folders will be visible as long as Wise Folder Hider is removed successfully. 

    3. Therefore, whether you can see the files on the F drive has nothing to do with whether you reinstall Wise Folder Hider. 

    4. WerFault that you mentioed in the screenshot is not WiseCleaner's program. 

    Have a good day. 


  5. Dear user, 

    Sorry about that. Wise Folder Hider is not a safe box, meaning it will not store your files or folders, also it will not change your data locations.

    And after formatted C drive, Wise Folder Hider will be uninstalled from it, that is, all protections from Wise Folder Hider will be canceled. You can try to find your files or folders at their original locarions. 

  6. Dear user, 

    Sorry for any inconvenience caused. Please answer the following questions:

    1. Which feature of Wise Care 365 did you use before you using the password manager extension?

    2. What's the name of your password manager extension so we can do a test? 

    3. Is there any error message or prompt when you using the password manager extension? If any, please send us a screenshot of it. 


  7. Dear user, 

    Sorry about that. Wise HotKey can only create HotKey which consists of Alt/Ctrl + a number/F key, for example, Alt+3, Alt+F8, Ctrl+5, Ctrl+F3, etc. 

    As for this "when I want to enter the @ sign using the alt+64 keyboard shortcut, the program starts under the shortcut Alt+6 and Alt+4", Did you create a shortcut for Wise HotKey like the following screenshot in this program? If so, you can delete it 


  8. Dear user, 

    Sorry about that. You can try this to uninstall Wise Disk Cleaner:

    1. Press Win + I to open Settings

    2. Click the Apps in the left, then click Installed apps in the right pane

    3. Search Wise Disk Cleaner in the Search box, click the three dots, then tap on the Uninstall option to remove Wise Disk Cleaner. 


  9. Dear user,

    Sorry for any inconvenience caused, please navigate to this path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Wise\Wise Folder Hider to check whether the WFHChecker.exe file exists or not. If there is no such file, the WFHChecker.exe may be quarantined by your Antivirus program, please open your antivirus app, enter the quarantine, and move the WFH.exe file to the whitelist from quarantine.

  10. Dear user, 

    When the user clicks the Smart Optimize button, Wise Disk Cleaner will automatically identify the disk type and use the Trim way to optimize if it is an SSD since it is not recommended to defragment and optimize the SSD. Defragmentation and disk optimization will reduce the life of the SSD.
    And, SSD has an incredibly faster accession speed than HDD, so we do not need to defrag the fragments to accelerate its access speed. 
    If the disk type is HDD, then the status will be Defragged rather than Trimmed. 

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