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Everything posted by WiseCleaner

  1. Hi, Sorry, i don't understand your meaning. what is "pérphériques" ? You can click "view by" to change.
  2. Please describe more deatils about your problem. Please reupload the snapshot.
  3. Please describe more details about your problem. When you click Check for Updates, what happen? error message or error code?
  4. What did prompt show? Does your download software installed in your pc match? Or check the settings of your internet see whether it was set to prohibit download any files.
  5. Hi, 1,run Internet Explorer----Tools----Internet options----Home page, delete the URL and click Use new tab. 2, If you open IE by double-clicking its desktop shortcut, right-click this desktop shortcut-----Properties, check whether the Target is like this: "C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe" If no, change to "C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe"
  6. Hi, 1, open C:\windows\system32\wbem\ , find out framedyn.dll and copy it. 2, Paste it to C:\windows\system32\
  7. 1. It might be caused by virus existing, use antivirus to take a full scan; 2. Check the RAM, Graphics Card, Main board, CPU, reinsert or replace them if there are something wrong; 3.Or it might be caused by some residual of uninstalled programs, clean them manually.
  8. Was there any error message displayed? Please describe more detials about your problem. A snapshot about the error message is very useful.
  9. Hi, Please describe more details about your problem, a snapshot about the error message is very useful.
  10. Because the restore point might be incompatible with the system. You can cancel the restore point or re-install the system to fix this problem.
  11. What did you do cause that problem? And what prompt did Windows media show up when you tried to play it?
  12. The less third party programs operate at the same time, the better pc performs, so unable those third party programs' operation automatically; The more available rooms your pc has, the better pc performs, so delete those meaningless files and programs.
  13. Turn off those third party programs' operation which be set accompany PC start up. Can use the feature Startup Manager of Wise Care 365 to do that.
  14. Open the Control Panel, 'Ease of Access', 'Ease of Access Center', 'Set up Filter Keys', then choose the timing. I have this screenshot for you to follow.
  15. First of all, you have to make sure that your windows is legal copy, as you know, illegal copy won't be allowed to updated. Then what prompt or response did the pc gave you when you ? Or you can learn how to update from windows' website: http://windows.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-8/how-to-download
  16. Please clarify your problem clearer for better understand and resolve your problem.
  17. Please clarify your issue to be clearer. Better in both languages of English and native.
  18. As to your issue, you might better check again the firefox tool/settings, see whether it has been reset to be other homepage there. Change back to the homepage you like if it was.
  19. Please clarify your issue. Better in both languages of English and native, and with a screenshot if necessary.
  20. These might caused by many reasons, it might caused by hardware and system problems. If it is related with hardware, it might be hot pc temperature, dust covering upon graphics card, even unstable power; If it is related with system, it might be virus containing(use antivirus to fix this), incompatible program running in your system(use startup manager in WiseCare365 to unable all third party programs' operation when start, open specified program only when need it.), etc.
  21. Please clarify your issue clearer. Better in English and your native language. Thanks.
  22. Please offer more information about Sudo, we are not familiar to it, that is why we cannot give a test for this program. As to your issue's resolution, you may install Sudo again, then use Wise Program Uninstaller to uninstall it, please mind the uninstall progress prompt for thoroughly delete it.
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