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Posts posted by Chim

  1. Sooo ... on those YouTubes that throw out an error and fail to attempt to download, is the fix just a PATCH for THAT particular YouTube to be able to download? On errors like that, is it a case of there being a fault / something wrong on the side of the source where the YouTube in question is up for download?


    Here's what I'm getting at. Sure, I have enjoyed successfully downloading a lot of YouTubes with Wise Video Downloader. I like it. But, by the same token, I have also encountered plenty of instances of YouTubes where I get an error and can't download THAT specific YouTube. I then have to resort to my 2nd or 3rd choice by the time I find a YouTube of that song that WILL download. So, if I along with other Wise Video Downloader users were to report all of the failure to download YouTubes that we encountered ... wouldn't that pretty quickly litter the inner workings of Wise Video Downloader with PATCHES?


    This reminds me of back in the day of original Opera Browser with the Presto engine. Users were encouraged to report websites that failed to load with Opera Browser. Opera would then incorporate PATCHES so that those websites now WOULD load. The question would then be brought up that wouldn't doing that fill Opera Browser with tons of patches eventually making it bigger and bigger?


    Interestingly enough, since back around the time of my 1st comment in this thread, I had attempted several times to download this YouTube without success:



    I tried the link that the Wise Video Downloader GUI found. I tried several other links that I Googled up ... all to no avail. Then today when I was finally going to report it as not working ... it mysteriously just up and WORKED! Wow! Awesome!


    Anyway, just thinking outloud. Just wondering if something can be done to minimize the occurrences of failures to download ... without having to fill up Wise Video Downloader with a ton of patches that increase its file size.

  2. @ Administrator:  Hmmm ... okay, you lost me.  What do you mean my attached error message was Chinese?  Was that a joke?  Or you cannot view my attached image?  I am not from China.  I am from the USA and so was my comment and my attached image.  My attached image was an attached Screen Cap image straight from my computer.  I don't see any way that it could get translated into ANY other language as it is just an image, not text.


    I can click on my attached image right now and it displays completely correctly in English.  So I don't know what else you're seeing and why.  Basically for File Name is has a big red X and it says "Error occurred when downloading."  And for Quality it says in red "Gone."


    Anyway ... after some testing / experimentation, I decided that for better results, I'm gonna more often use the Search function in the GUI of Wise Video Downloader instead of tossing at it YouTube links that I Googled up.  This because the YouTube hits that the Search function of the Wise Video Downloader provides say Download Video.  So, I figured they're more likely to be capable of being downloaded.  This strategy isn't 100% foolproof, but it works well enough so that I'm really liking this Wise Video Downloader.  :) Especially since I was able to install a Portable version of it in my PortableApps.com platform in my Flash Drives.


    As to Wise Video Downloader currently only supporting the download of YouTube videos?

    A few of the Search hits that the Wise Video Downloader GUI has provided have been from Vevo.  I haven't tried downloading any of those yet, so I can't confirm that it WILL download them.  But, there ARE a few of them here and there.

  3. I think I might have found the solution.


    The previous version I had been using was 2.11.81.  For whatever mysterious reason, that one didn't work.  In searching around for what other Video Downloaders I could try, I happened to come upon a newer version of Wise Video Downloader ... version 2.43.93.  It was an Installer version, but it gave me the option to generate a Portable version, which I did.  I tried it out and BAMM!  It worked perfectly! :)


    Unlike with the previous version, this newer version gave me the option to select which format I wanted.  I selected the format and the quality of the downloaded video was definitely HD as promised.  B) I also really liked that unlike Any Video Converter, which I had been using recently, this Wise Video Downloader provided me all the info that I wanted:  The size of the video at the start of the download ... the speed of the download ... and how much time remaining.


    Of course, at this time, this is just 1 downloaded video, Xilolee.  I don't know whether I'll encounter instances here and there like yours whereby sometimes the videos don't want to download.  And at this time I don't know whether it'll also download say Vimeo and Vevo videos ... or just YouTube and Metacafe.


    Only time will tell.  More experimenting to conduct.

    Thanks for replying, Xilolee.

  4. Aww MAN!  What a bummer that the Wise Registry Cleaner new GUI has not been fixed.  I still contend that it is inferior to the old one regarding what and how it presents the information that it presents.  I can't believe more users are not having a problem with it and not speaking out about it.  It just plain ole leaves one information-challenged ... ammunition-challenged so as one to be able to make more thorough, correct and safe decisions regarding what found items to allow to be deleted.


    I'm still using using version 8.83 as that is the last version that is thorough and great.  The newer versions leave one to gamble, throw the dice ... or to play it too conservatively due to not being able to decipher the vague info.

  5. I've been looking for a good Video Downloader, much preferably a Portable version.  Being very satisfied with Wise Disk Cleaner and Wise Registry Cleaner (Version 8.83) Portable versions, I was immediately excited when I found out there was a Wise Video Downloader Portable.


    Unfortunately, I just can't seem to get it to work at all.  Hopefully someone has some insight as to what I'm doing wrong ... what I need to do or tweak.  I am using Windows XP SP3 Pro.  My computer has a Core 2 Duo Processor and 4 Gig of RAM.  I am using the latest avast Anti-Virus version.  I am using NetZero Dial Up.


    Question:  Does Wise Video Downloader download ONLY videos from YouTube and Metacafe and no other sources?  Well, either way, I haven't even been able to download YouTube videos.  For example, just a while ago, I tossed this YouTube at Wise Video Downloader

    and it was no dice.  No can do.  Failure.  Denied.  It's been the same results no matter what other videos I toss at it.  Yet Any Video Converter will download any video I toss at it.


    I have enclosed an attachment image of the typical error that I get.


  6. So do you think there's a remote possibility that they COULD conceivably incorporate that option of selecting Classic mode?


    As to the WRC portable version vs. the PortableApps.com version?

    I always prefer to use the PortableApps.com version of ANY Apps because I like / prefer the easier / faster install sequence of the PortableApps.com versions. You know ... given that they're going to be installed on the PortableApps.com platform. I just double click on the install files and BAMM! The install sequence is initiated and quickly finished. There's no need for unpacking a Zip file, selecting files, Etc.


    Like especially when periodically formatting my Flash Drives and installing everything from scratch upon a new PortableApps.com version being put out ... the install of all the PortableApps.com versions of Apps goes way more speedily than the install of my various portable Apps that are not PortableApps.com versions.


    Plus, if my memory serves me correctly, I believe that the WRC portable version of Wise Registry Cleaner when it's installed on the PortableApps.com platform ... displays the title as something along the lines of "WiseDiskCleaner.com" as the title of the selection choice there in the menu of my PortableApps.com platform instead of "Wise Registry Cleaner." I don't know why WRC would do that given that it makes for a vague, confusing title that isn't correctly descriptive of what clicking on that selection will bring up.


    The WRC portable version of Wise Disk Cleaner DOES correctly have the title of "Wise Disk Cleaner" there in the menu of my PortableApps.com platform. So, IMO I think it would be a much better idea to change the title of the selection choice to "Wise Registry Cleaner" there in the WRC version of Wise Registry Cleaner instead of it generically displaying "WiseDiskCleaner.com" or whatever it is that it displays.

  7. I tried putting this in the Suggestions pinned thread, but was having no luck with it posting.


    Anyway ... I started using Wise Registry Cleaner and Wise Disk Cleaner a couple of months ago. They both immediately became 2 of my favorite tools. It was even more so a bonus that there were PortableApps.com versions available so that I could carry them around in my Flash Drive in my PortableApps.com platform.


    However, recently I was really taken aback, really bummed out with the new GUI style and direction of Wise Registry Cleaner. IMO, I think Wise Registry Cleaner is going in the wrong direction with this new GUI style. Right now I have my PortableApps.com platform stuck at the old 8.83 Wise Registry Cleaner version because that's the last version that had the previous GUI style, which I much prefer.


    IMO, the old GUI style presented MORE details and right there in the original window. I don't like how in the new GUI style you have to click on an item to then bring up that 2nd window and then at that ... the info / details have been watered down / censored. Now the info is more generic. With the previously more detail info from the old original GUI style, it provided one with more specific data as to the content of the found items in the scans so as to much better decide what to delete and what not to delete.


    The generic info provided by the new GUI style in Wise Registry Cleaner now reminds me of JetClean. I also use JetClean and it provides tons of info, but by the same token, a ton of that info is very generic. It doesn't give one remotely enough data with which to decide whether a lot of those items found in the scans are safe to delete or not.


    It would be great and really appreciated if at the very least there was an option incorporated into Wise Registry Cleaner similar to the new Wise Disk Cleaner whereby we can select the NEW Mode ... or CLASSIC Mode.

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