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LeoHarmon last won the day on March 25 2016

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  1. I don’t know, but maybe this post will help somehow? http://community.office365.com/en-us/f/158/t/255273.aspx
  2. I'll give you a few recommendations that I hope will help you. lets try this. on project Go to Tools/Options/General tab. Select the option to open the last file on startup. Then.. save settings. and close and reopen project 2007 If this does not work then T ry opening a new blank project file, and then copy pasting the non working file into it. If this does not work then lets try this. Open a new blank project file without a project summary task. 2. Go to Insert/Project and insert the problem file. 3. Select the first task which will be the insertion point sumXXXXX XXXXXne. 4. Go to Project/Task Information/Advanced tab. 5. Uncheck the "Link to Project" button and hit "OK". 6. If the file isn't already expanded, expand it. 7. Select all tasks below the top level sumXXXXX XXXXXne. 8. Outdent the selected tasks. 9. Delete the first task which previously was a sumXXXXX XXXXXne. 10. Save the resulting file. If this does not work then try to restore from backup. If not, then I hope you can help Microsoft Project service for online repair https://onlinefilerepair.com/en/project-repair-online.html
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