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  1. But since I had already written, I have made this manual test, there were out some problems to be removed, but the automatic cleaning does not remove anything.
  2. I have this problem with RG Portable version, the RG icon appears in system tray and then disappears after a few seconds. No message. After this I check manually, it deleted nothing. It doesn't work at all. Then I checked in the Windows TaskScheduler and I have seen that the task is set up for Windows 2000 and XP, maybe the parameters of the task would be updated. Anyway in the scheduled task, it would be added the option of repeating task if the PC was turn off, hibernate or sleep at the scheduled moment. Thanks in advance. Windows 8.1 Pro x86. Happy holiday
  3. Ok thanks. But I have another problem with Registry Cleaner, I post it in the RG section. Happy end of year holidays.
  4. I use WDC for a long time in portable version, all work fine except a thing. Nevertheless some days ago I have tried for the first time, to activate the schedule cleaning. The program has started correctly in system tray at scheduled time. But it has stucked on the scan for further 10 minutes without concluding anything, with the CPU over 50 %. Manual scan take few seconds. Then I have closed it from the icon in tray. Why does the automatic cleaning not works? Windows 8.1 Pro x86.
  5. Thank you very much, very useful tip Are there other parameters for floating window? For instance, is there one way to shows both temperature and cpu usage? To restore items on Optimization section, just I have to select item and click on the bottom right "Default"? No need for other actions such as logoff or reboot? For item setting changed, for instance in the Privacy section if I uncheck History visited pages, I just close/reopen Wise365 main window and it's checked again. Then in common clean section, if I uncheck Windows metro cache and Installer cache, after reboot they are cahnged to default, then selected. Conversely if I check Prefetch data, after reboot it is unchecked again. All this only in the manual System clean. In the Option of auto clean instead, the program keep custom set.
  6. I wonder why you have changed desktop gadget cpu to only temperature, at the expense of very more useful control cpu/processes. Second, in the program section privacy protection, if I uncheck entries, simply reopen Wise Care 365 main Windows, settings returned to default. Sometimes after reboot, I see that some items unchecked change on checked. This is a problem for those like me, has setup Wise 365 for automatic cleaning.
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