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Everything posted by zammer

  1. My 365 Pro disappeared and I'd like to speak with Wise Tech Support. What is their phone number? Thank you
  2. Many items came up. When I try to recover, it says to select another drive to avoid overwriting. How do I do this? How do I get recovered files from the other drive back to C? Thank you
  3. I unknowingly deleted a folder with Pictures. WiseCare removed them when it emptied the Recycle Bin. Can I recover them with Wise Data Recovery, and if so, how?
  4. I downloaded and ran the program, just as you said. It left me with crash dumps, and a PC that didn't run.. It cost $180 for a tech to get things back to where they were. MSN NOT RESPONDING is still there.
  5. Correction--I did not use Adwcleaner, because I couldn't figure out how.
  6. I did all the steps suggested, but they had no effect on the problem.
  7. While using MSNmail. Screen grows grey-white. Given choice CLOSE PROGRAM or WAIT FOR PROGRAM TO RESPOND. Never responds. Recurrent Operating system:Windows 7 Home Premium (64 bit) Service Pack 1 System root: C:Windows Available physical memory: 3839 MB CPU: Intel® Core2 Duo CPU T6500 @ 2.10GHz Drive Info: C: 913.70 GB D: 17.67 GB Internet Explorer: 10.0
  8. I frequently get that notice, accompanied by a partially whited out screen (the notice not whited out), plus choices "Wait For Problem To Resolve" (or something like that) or "Close Program Now," when using my MSN/com email. WiseCare doesn't resolve it. Operating system:Windows 7 Home Premium (64 bit) Service Pack 1 System root: C:\Windows Available physical memory: 3839 MB CPU: Intel® Core2 Duo CPU T6500 @ 2.10GHz Drive Info: C: 913.70 GB D: 17.67 GB Internet Explorer: 10.0
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