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Posts posted by Lucy

  1. 1. Remote access notebook files and the current "network and dial - up connections" configuration may not be consistent if you change the communication equipment (such as serial port or a modem), please make sure to reconfigure "network and dial-up connections". If the error still exists, please delete and recreate the "network and dial-up connections".

    2. Win 8.1 error code 651, routing can connect and dial board can not.

    try Windows \ system32 \ logfiles \ wmi, double-click to opem the wmi to open RtBackup prompts you need administrator privileges to continue to restart, it can repair.

    3. If not the suffix for etl file delection in the wmi, including RtBackup files then restart it.

    4. If the above doesnt work, then try to disable the local connection- shutdown - check the cat all plug under heavy inserted unplug the cat`s power plug- wait for 2 minitus after plug in to boot.

    5. Last way is first copy the following files which is c:\ Windows \ system32 \ drivers \ raspppoe sys from other computers of a system that can connect to the Internet, and replace this file in your computer.










  2. 1. If you are using is the kernel of the IE browser, the browser are generally page with a mute function. there is a small speaker icon in the lower right corner of the computer. this is the page the mute button.

    2. If you find the mute button is in open state, just use the mouse to click and then you can swich to a voice.

    3. If it is the kernel of the IE browser, then click on tools, ----Internet and click "Advanced" that in the top right corner of the TAB.

    4. In the Advanced option, pulled down the brace, find the "play sounds" this option in your web page.

    5. If you found this option is not selected before, then use the mouse to click the selected it.

    Finally, click "ok" and exit. Then if you open video again, there will be sound.

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