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Everything posted by wisecleaner_admin

  1. Hi, we tested this video, it could be downloaded by wise video downloader. Please try this link: www.youtube.com/watch?v=FjAvBdJJbFg&feature=youtu.be
  2. Thanks for your feedback. We will check and improve it.
  3. Sorry for the delay. We did some tests. 1, Restore a threat from Quarantine, this file is added in Trust list automatically. When I scan this folder again, it is safe. 2, Add a folder in Trust list, run Wise Anti Malware to scan this folder, it is safe. Please check it again.
  4. Like Windows Insider Program, user volunteered use beta version, and we appreciative these enthusiastic users who help us to improve wisecleaner. If someone report a important bug of beta version, we can send Free license key as reward.
  5. Thanks xilolee. Hi Cleanbot, Please try Wise Care 365 v5, we improved advanced cleaner. http://downloads.wisecleaner.com/soft/WiseCare365_V5_Beta.exe
  6. If the support team sent a special version to you, I guess it is a debug version, when you run this debug version, it will create a debug report if the program crash. This debug report can help us to fix your problem. If you return to general version, you may receive same problem again. Wise Care 365 v5 beta will last for at least one month until we are sure it is stable.
  7. Please try this way: 1, open C:\Program Files\Wise\Wise Anti Malware\SavEngine\on_access\ 2, right click on on-access-drivers-uninstall.cmd and choose Run as administrator 3, reboot system 4, open C:\Program Files\Wise\Wise Anti Malware\SavEngine\on_access\ 5, right click on on-access-drivers-install.cmd and choose Run as administrator 6, reboot system again.
  8. Hi, Consecutive items of the same color is a group, files in a group are duplicate. You can customize group color in Settings.
  9. Sorry, you cannot restore them from Wise Anti Malware. After scan you need to select items you want to clean. It means you know which file will be removed, so we don't backup it. Normally you can reinstall the program to recover.
  10. Hi CieloInvernale, Please open C:\Program Files\Wise\Wise Anti Malware\SavEngine\, find and copy avgio.dll to C:\Program Files\Wise\Wise Anti Malware\ Then reboot system.
  11. Dear users, Good news here! Wise Care 365 v5 is released the Beta version. Try it now before its official release. Click Here to try Wise Care 365 v5. You are invited to tell us what you think about it and please have us informed whether anything needs to be modified. Thanks in advance!
  12. Please email to [email protected], the support team can help you.
  13. Hi, It has live protection. In the first tab - Quick Check, you can see "Real-time Protection: On" under checkup button.
  14. If you have installed Avira, you cannot install Wise Anti Malware.
  15. If there is new reply, when you open Wise Force Deleter, you can see a red mark on left lower bottom. If uninstalled Wise Force Deleter, you cannot receive reply message. I checked our support system, the latest problem about Wise Force Deleter was created on July 3rd. When did you submit it?
  16. Hi xilolee, Please send this file to us: C:\Program Files\Wise\Wise Anti Malware\svr.log
  17. Thanks for your feedback. We will check and fix it soon.
  18. As I said, if you hide files in C drive, after reinstall system, we cannot find hidden files. Do you? This is the reason Wise Folder Hider version 4 doesn't hide a file/folder in USB device, but hide whole USB device.
  19. Hi, If you cannot delete a registry key with your Administrator account, and this key belongs to system, I recommend DO NOT delete it. If this key belongs to a third-party application, you can uninstall this app and then try to delete this key.
  20. Hi, If you hide files with Wise Folder Hider version 4, when you reinstall OS, these hidden files will be unhide automatically. These files are visible, please check it carefully. But, if you have format the drive which you stored hidden files, we cannot recover these hidden files.
  21. well, if you reinstalled Wise Folder Hider but still cannot run it, please make a screenshot when you try to run wise folder hider, I need to know what happened. Or, we offer remote help if you allow us to connect to your computer. More details about remote help, please send request to [email protected] Thanks.
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